Chapter 73 - I Will Avenge My Son

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The demeanour of all the Hercules boys changed; they knew they were going to get out of this one. Draco never showed up unless it was absolutely necessary, and whenever he did, he always had a plan ready. Dante swallowed hard when he met his father's gaze, turning away when he noticed the disappointment in his eyes.

The first person his father spoke to was him. "I will speak with you later; you've been an embarrassment to our name." His eyes then turned to Lucius who seemed to be the only one with the most calmness and rational look, not an inch of stress. Lucius had never been one to fear death, hence even in these moments, a bullet in his head didn't scare him.

Draco didn't even bat an eye when he saw Molly in Raphael's arms, nor did he even take a glance at the shocked Tyler who couldn't even look at him. Instead, he focused on Wolf that was in disbelief that another leader made an appearance. Being a leader of such a huge underground troop was as significant as being the president of a territory; it wasn't everyday that two of them were in the same room together, nor that they were present in a public area.

This sight was one many hadn't even seen in years.

"I ordered Lucius to kill your son after they messed with one of ours. If you need someone to blame, then blame me."

Draco placed his palm on his hips, tilting his head to the side as he met the light grey irises of Wolf, ones that always made him nervous when he stated within them. They were cold, almost lifeless, as if no soul existed within that living body. There had always been an odd trait about Wolf that he could never pinpoint, as if he was a floating leaf within a breeze that never seemed to find its landing.

They had gone through horrendous battles throughout the years that they both attempted to dominate, but a recent peace had been found between both sides.

Until today, evidently.

However, Draco was never one to admit defeat, and since this had been a mission where he sent his sons directly, then there was no chance he himself would not show up to save his own bloodline.

"I have no care for your son; he was a weakling." He noticed Wolf's eyes grow wide. "And I'm not one to bother with sob stories—you should have kept that bullshit to yourself." The sharp inhale he heard from Wolf gave him an adrenaline rush. "If you want to go to war with me over this then that's fine, but let me tell you what's happening right this second."

He pointed to the exit.

"This place is surrounded with detonators and I have one of my men with a launcher right outside this door, aimed directly at us." A smile pulled his lips apart, showing the long canines that only made his dragon appearance much stronger. "You have two options. One, you can start shooting and kill us—which wouldn't happen anyway—but my guy will immediately blow this place to pieces and we all die." He shrugged his shoulders as he added, "I'm going to take my chance and say that I'm probably the only one that would make it out alive since I always do, but who knows." After a chuckle, his fingers raised into the number two. "Or option two, my family and I will walk out of this door and we will speak of this another time. You do what you will with Eric."

There was a short pause, Wolf keeping his eyes locked on Draco's before tilting his head backwards and bursting into incredulous laughter, as if he had completely lost his mind. That was when Draco noticed the tears starting to overwhelm his eyes that were already turning pink from the sadness he felt.

"Oh, how I've missed you Draco!" he shouted between his delirious cackles. "You always were one for ultimatums!"

They hadn't heard Wolf's voice that way the entire time. It was cracked and broken, as if he was lost. Although the grief was starting to settle in, Draco was not one to dwell in emotions, especially sentiments from other people. After his laughter settled, the sorrow was apparent on his face. His nose began to run, the ends of his lips curled, and he couldn't stop the tears from leaking along the sides of his cheeks.

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