Chapter 64 - "We're here."

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"I'm annoyed I had to dye my hair blond, I look like Raphael."

Raphael snorted. "Is that such a bad thing?"

"Oh, you're making jokes with me now." Dante chuckled, glancing at the back of the truck where Raphael sat. Another bump on the rocky road made them slightly jump from their seats, causing Dante to groan and shift his attention to their driver. "Carlos, ease up on bumps, I've said this too many times."


They all heard their father's growling tone in their earpiece, each of them glancing towards their brother that sat near the back of their truck.


"We're getting closer, we're maybe ten minutes away," Lucius explained.

"Can you all go over the plan once more?"

"We've already been through the entire plan way too many—"

"You've been defying me too much lately, Moreno." When Reno heard that from his father in his earpiece as well, he swallowed hard. "Reiterate the plan, now."

Lucius cleared his throat. "Nate's located at Dungeon Paradise. It's a base disguised as a club, so it's in the middle of the city meaning there will be civilians."

"Which we do not care about," Drago insisted.

Lucius continued. "Once we're inside, Molly uses the chip in his watch to hack the system and unlock all the automatic doors in the place. After he's done, that's when you make your second team attack their other base, which will cause a confusion and have some of their men leave Dungeon Paradise."

"And during that commotion, that is when we all spread out to find Nate," Dante added, glancing towards his brothers who sat in the back of the truck. "Dead or alive, we bring back his body."

"By now, he's most likely dead." When Dante's eyes diverted to Bronsted with a glare, he instantly lifted his hand in defence. "But he could be alive."

"Let's be honest with ourselves. We're chasing a dead guy and the only reason we're chasing him is because Dante decided it would be fun to find another little lover to fondle with." Lucius malicious growl caused Dante's eyebrows to lift.

He hadn't been lectured by Lucius and there was no chance today was going to be that day. "As if you don't have your own."

"You let your guard down." Lucius folded his arms, his eyes narrowed even further. "Now we all have to be involved in this stupid m—"

"This mission has nothing to do with Dante's lover; that's only an outlet." Their father interrupted them. "I want to show Wolf that I will always be stronger than his little troop."

"We're risking our lives though, dad," Reno complained, folding his arms with a long heavy sigh.

Draco rolled his eyes. "Keep up that attitude and you'll be risking your life when you come back."

"After we're all out with Nate's body, regardless of the civilians there, we make the entire place explode into pieces," Molly smiled, completing the summary of the mission.

Bronsted swallowed hard. "What if one of us is still inside?"

The silence that followed was heavy; it had clearly been a thought none of them even considered. It was Raphael who sliced the sudden tension that had filled the room by stating, "If you're still in the building by that time, then you failed your mission and deserve the consequences."

"Raphael isn't blood, he wouldn't understand," Reno hissed, waving his hand dismissively. "If any of you are still inside, that building is staying intact until I know you all made it out, alive." He heard his father snort, to which he instantly snapped, "And I don't care what you say, dad."

"Unless it's Lucius," Dante chuckled, to which he received a nasty glare from him.

"We're here...."

Their truck had found the city where Dungeon Paradise stood. In order to maintain their concealment within the city, they weren't that many securities at the front, neither were there any signs of any of their members keeping a lookout. They saw a few women and men dressed in fancy attires walk to the front and hand their identities. Once their were checked, they entered the place and the doors closed behind them.

Their driver, Carlos, made certain to park blocks away. Once the vehicle stopped, all of them began checking for their weapons, assuring that it was holstered properly but hidden. They all had their suits on, Lucius, Dante and Raphael wearing hats as they were the most recognizable. One by one, they all stepped down from the truck, and Dante was the last one. Before doing so, he remained seated, his mind replaying numerous memories of Nate, from the first time he had stopped him in the middle of a road intersection to the time they had been intimate in the backseat of his truck while they were both drunk. Even the recent interactions; the time he fell asleep besides Nate the day after their argument when they decided to call it quits, to when he went over to Nate's house to scream at him on behalf of his sister.

All these vivid memories were causing his fingers to quiver. After days of knowing nothing but that he had been kidnapped, they were finally near. He was almost there, not much longer, until he could finally embrace him back into his arms.

Author's Note: For readers wondering why there was a skip between the two chapters. In the last chapter, they were preparing to leave when they questioned how Eric got there, and in this chapter, they already left and arrived at Dungeon Paradise. That time in between is left unrevealed for now, but it'll come back and you'll understand everything soon. :)

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