Chapter 127 - First Training Session

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The only one missing amongst them was Lucius, but all of them stood in a line, waiting for the arrival of their father. None of them spoke, all their eyes swollen from their sleep and most still rubbing them, feeling as if they would collapse any second. Draco had started his mandatory routine, which meant very early training for all of them, even Jules who was yawning every three seconds.

After a lengthy silence, Reno had enough of waiting and complained, ''Why can't we meet a little later during the day?''

''I agree,'' Jules mumbled, no surprise that he let another loud and long yawn expelled. ''I didn't get to sleep much last night.''

Jake sent his fingers through his blond curls. ''I slept plenty and am still exhausted. Can't we decide whether we want to go on this mission or not?''

"You can," Bronsted snickered, "but if you don't go, you're a bitch."

''Besides, training is actually fun,'' Reno added, although his eyes were still droopy from the fatigue. ''This is only a shitty part of it.''

The only one that was awake and ready to begin was Lori, who had his hands bawled into fists at each of his sides. ''I need to get stronger,'' he roared under his breath, his determined eyes sharpened. ''I don't want to feel weak next time people come after me.''

''That's the spirit!''

Whenever the ground began to vibrate, matching the resonating sounds of loud footsteps, they knew their father was near. Soon enough, Draco entered the conference room, a lengthy smile across his lips as he met the gaze of each of his troopers. At first, they felt relieved that he was finally here and they didn't have to wait any longer, until they realized he was not alone.

Behind him, a long line of women entered and they faced the young men. Their eyes didn't widen that they were women, but the fact that they were all completely undressed, from head to toe, was definitely an odd factor that granted raised eyebrows. The eyes of Jake and Lori twinkled though, their mouth starting to water as they stared at the nudity; it had been a while since they had been able to have their nights of this kind of entertainment. However, when they realized that they recognized a few of those faces, that was when a series of gasps echoed across the room.

''I collected women from each of your pasts that you had any sort of romantic intimacy.'' Draco had his hands folded behind his back and he paced in front of them, his grin only growing wider from the contortion on his troopers faces, especially his sons. ''The first training session has nothing to do with fighting, and everything to do with boosting your testosterone, and remembering that you're strong and prideful men. Unleashing all your stress and letting your desires expelled freely onto those women, at your own will.''

Dante's eyes settled on the familiar amethyst gaze that he hadn't seen in years, unable to turn away from them. The last he had heard of her, she had travelled overseas to Italy. It was odd to see her smiling back at him, as if they were back in the past, two young children already dating and causing a raucous across the city. There was a point in time when Eleanor had been his entire past, present and future, but now that she had been a distant memory that was never mentioned, he never expected them to suddenly resurface.

It was Reno who spoke next, inhaling a sharp breath as he stared at the girl that he hated the most in his entire life. Of course, he had loved her, but that was years ago, prior to her continuous betrayal that he fell for over and over again. ''We have to sleep with them.''

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