Chapter 63 - "How did you get here?"

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"There's something fishy with you."

They had all been preparing to leave their base, tightening their belts and suits, putting on their dress shoes or fixing their sleeked back hair. Molly had wrapped his ginger curls into a low bun, hiding its vibrancy in a black hat. He was the one that hadn't been able to stop thinking about the entire situation, how odd Eric had been. There was one point he hadn't mentioned the night before, because it would've caused another raucous that he didn't want to entice. But then, amongst only his brothers and Ralphael, moments from leaving their base, he needed to make sure there was an explanation for it and not regretting it later.

Eric hadn't realized he had been talked to until he glanced around the room and noticed all the brothers staring directly at him. "I'm sorry, what?" He had also been dressed in a suit, accompanying them on their rescue, which he didn't want to. He was going to watch his old comrades get killed, and he would be the cause of it. But Draco had ordered him to stay by Reno's side at all times, and Reno was going on this mission. "Were you talking to me?"

"Yes, you." Molly tightened his boots before straightening his spine. His green eyes had never appeared this cold. Although none of the other brothers chimed in, it was clear that they were all listening in on this confrontation. "What are you not telling us?"

Eric furrowed his brows, glancing towards the others to see if any of them would back him up, but none said a word. "I'm not hiding anything, I've told you all everything that's been—"

"What was the reason you kidnapped Nate?"

Eric swallowed hard, staring at his boots. There was nothing else he was hiding, not that he could think of at the moment. "I told you, because we thought he knew where your main base was."

"Where this base was, right?" Molly motioned around the room.

After a slow nod of his head, Eric's eyes narrowing, he asked, "What are you trying to get at, Molly?"

"Yeah, I'm not following either," Bronsted mumbled, tightening his suit. "We don't really have time for this anyway."

"Did Nate know where it was?" Molly asked, stepping forward.

Eric shook his head. "No, he had no clue."

"Molly, you know all this already, we have to go," Dante intervened, walking towards Molly.

Molly ignored Dante, lowering his gaze and letting his mind race with thoughts, attempting to find the answer to his own question. But it just didn't make enough sense for him to figure it out on his own. "So why are you here?"

Eric raised an eyebrow. "I've told you. Wolf was trying to kill me so I fled—"

"No." Molly's eyes darkened. "Why are you here at this base right now?"

Dante's eyes glinted, finally realizing what Molly was questioning all along. Instantly, his eyes widened, stepping away from Eric and placing his palm over his holstered weapon.

"What do you mean?"

"You know exactly what he means, Eric." Dante's grip tightened around his pistol. "If the whole purpose of Nate's kidnapping was to find this place, then how did you find it?"

Molly hissed, "How did you get here?"

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