Chapter 114 - Why is Jules alive?

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Dante glanced around the conference room, no surprise that they had yet to see Lucius. He had barricaded himself in his bedroom for the past two weeks, and none of them had really been around one another since their return. He hadn't seen Nate ever since the visit to his bedroom door, hence there was surprise when he found Nate leaning against one of the walls in the room, mumbling curses under his breath as he sharply turned his head and lifted his chin.

As much as Dante felt a sudden flicker onto his nerves at Nate's high and mighty behaviour, as if he had done nothing wrong, Dante couldn't resist the thoughts of how much he missed him. They had practically grown together at this point; he had completely shifted his character and that was because of Nate. That was why it took a moment for his eyes to turn away from the gorgeous ginger curls that always made his blood rush.

They averted to the irritated Reno who slammed his elbow into the side of Bronsted's torso, which caused him to yelp and fall over. "I told you to stop touching me," Reno scolded, furrowing his brows at the Bronsted who was grunting, holding his abdomen. However, he suddenly stumbled backwards when Bronsted reached for his ankle, tearing it from the floor.

As Reno slammed his back onto the floorboards, Bronsted bursted into cackles as he began pushing himself to his feet. "That's what you get."

In an instant, Reno had lunged towards Bronsted and they were soon throwing punches. At first, Bronsted had been giggling, but when Reno landed his knuckles directly across his jawline, the pain electrified a sudden anger that made him send his own flying knuckles, which started their brawl. None of them involved themselves; Jake rolled eyes at their scuffle, Dante stepped further away not to get mingled in the mess, Lori exhaled a sigh and Nate cheered them on, wanting to see who would win.

They only tore apart from one another when the door burst open and the cackles of their father's boots echoed across the room. As if they had known their father would've been displeased by their scuffle, they immediately stood to their feet, close enough that their shoulders were touching, ignoring the fact that Bronsted had a gash on his lip and Reno had a cut across his eyebrow. The reason why they had completely ignored that fact was because of the body their father was carrying over his shoulder. He had his wrists tied behind his back, his ankles strapped together and tape wrapped around his mouth, all the way around his neck.

Jules was thrown at the feet of the Hercules troopers. He didn't appear in distress whatsoever, rather annoyed that he had to go through this again. Reno glanced at his father before returning his studying gaze onto Jules, attempting to find any evidence of injuries; thankfully, there were none.

"He's staying alive." That was Draco's first say, harsh and bold that it echoed across the room. It was not only a suggestion but an order, and he wasn't surprised when he saw furrows cross the eyebrows of all of them, especially Dante. Hence, Draco stepped forward and tilted his head, the clinks of his golden armour making Lori flinch. "If anyone has a problem with that, I'm allowing you to speak up now."

Dante was the first to comment. "Molly died for no reason, is that what you're saying?"

"Who's Molly?" The Hercules boys were not appreciative of that question, Reno's fists squeezing tightly enough to cut his blood circulation. And the worst of all was the fact that Nate couldn't stop himself from chuckling, which warranted a few glares from them. It took a few seconds for Draco's eyes to shift from confusion to realization, but the bridge of his nose wrinkled when he thought of his dead daughter. "Melissa died before Wolf knew about Jules. He didn't kill Melissa over Jules being dead, he killed her because we infiltrated their base, that's a given in this world."

"He didn't hesitate to strangle Molly and throw his body on the stage for all of us to see," Reno growled, his teeth gritting as the disrespect from his father about his younger brother was starting to make his blood vessels burn. "Why are you showing any mercy? And for the hundredth fucking time, it's Molly, and goes by he."

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