Chapter 98 - "Not a single chance of ever becoming like you."

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"We have to find a way to not have to do that stupid torture wheel," Reno sighed, throwing the baseball in the air and watching it come down towards his face without catching it. He was laying on his king size bed with one hand behind his head and another one waiting for the ball to be thrown upwards again. Bronsted, who laid beside him, raised his hand and caught the ball. He then threw the ball back in the air and watched its trajectory as it fell back down into Reno's grasp. "If we can do that, then we'd be safe."

They had reconvened in Reno's room since it was one of the few that had enough couches and seats for everyone to have space to lay or sit comfortably. It could have been an excuse since Reno wanted to lay in his own bed, but nonetheless nobody caused a fuss. Lori hadn't been able to meet the gaze of any of them, quickly looking away the moment they called his name and mumbling under his breath, barely above a whisper.

He was evidently humiliated from the raucous he had caused, but he was glad that they were at least debating for his life, regardless of the option they chose. Even if it ended in his death, he would always be grateful for the time it took for them to make a decision, showing how he meant at least something to them.

As for Dante, he couldn't stop pacing back and forth. His mind was focused on finding a solution to this plan a bit more aggressively than before and it had definitely something to do with needing to go find Nate right after they did. Nate disappearing in the base was never a good chase since there were dozens of places he could hide and he always found a better spot than the last.

Jake, who sat on the lounge chair with its back leaned backwards, had closed his eyes and forced himself into a daze to focus on his intrusive thoughts one by one, each of them suggesting a solution, to which he made pros and cons before either dismissing it entirely or sharing it to the group.

So far, the only solution they found was to hand him off to Draco, which was not what they hoped to have to do.

Dante kept his head lowered, his eyes staring at the ground but his vision being gone far deep within his mind, not realizing which direction he was going. "The only other option would be to get four billion dollars," he suggested, but shook his head at how baffling that anything could mount to that sum. "Are you sure it's four billion, Lori? Wolf has never been an unreasonable guy."

Lori slowly nodded head, his mouth stuffed with pizza that he slowly chewed, taking a few breaks to exhale a long breath and quietly sob. The others had already eaten to satiety and Lori didn't have the spirit to eat, but when Reno cursed at him to stop feeling sorry for himself, he didn't want to make them more angry hence he stuffed slices down his throat.

He wished he hadn't since he already felt nauseous.

"There's no doubt that it has everything to do with the fact that you all killed Jules and won that rescue of Nate," Jake affirmed, disappointment in his tone. "He doesn't care about Lori."

"Then he doesn't care about the money either," Dante murmured, stopping his pace for a moment. "He knows Lori can't get four billion in a week. He's taunting us and technically, he's not in the wrong."

"What kind of throw was that Reno?" Bronsted complaiend through a groan, almsot lunging off the bed to catch it. He turned to Reno and frowned when he saw the grimace on his face.

"You caught it, didn't you?"

He nudged him on his shoulder which made Reno giggled. "Throw it well or I'm not playing with you anymore."

"You're such a crybaby."

"There's an obvious answer to this, we have to think outside of the box," Jake exhaled, placing his elbows on his knees and leaning forward in his seat. He was exhausted in running through the same thoughts and scenarios without finding a solution. It wasn't helping that Bronsted and Reno couldn't seriously focus since they were playing with the ball. "Lori, what did they say to you when they found you?"

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