Chapter 125 - He was definitely not okay.

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"That was all Blue said," Nate muttered as he finished recapping all that they had determined from the questions asked to Blue two nights ago.

A heavy silence fell upon them, all of them waiting for a response from Draco who sat on his throne with his head leaned against his hand, his elbow on the armrest. The entire time, he stared at Nate with pure boredom across his golden irises, not a single flexing of a muscle fibre or tightened of his jaw—he stayed completely still. Nate had been the one to request this meeting with all of them, and Draco had been reluctant to oblige it. However, now hearing these new findings, he was glad he had done so.

From the looks on the other's faces, it was clear that none of them had expected such surprise. Lori's eyes had widened and his palm was over his mouth, Reno couldn't stop nudging Bronsted as they both stared at Nate in disbelief of what he had revealed, Jake had his arms folded but his eyebrows had risen terribly high that if they could jump from his forehead, they absolutely would have already. The only person this had not exactly been completely new news to him was Jules who kept his face blank, although he didn't know the family Wolf had murdered all that time ago had been Raphael's biological parents.

The person that didn't have a clear expression on his face was Dante.

Of course he was shocked, but his eyes were squinted as he scrutinized Nate's features. Although they hadn't been seeing one another for a few days, Dante noticed something different in his eyes and his posture. Nate's back was curved with his shoulders leaned forward, as if he was trying to hide into a bubble, and he continuously grabbed at the fingers from his prosthetic arm nervously. The Nate that had been around him had been harsh and cold, even attempting to fight Draco when he had punched Dante, but this Nate couldn't even stare Draco in the eye. It was much more evident in his face; the sharpness had softened and he kept biting his bottom lip hesitantly. There had been something that caused his demeanour to change to this gravity, and from the ghostly look in his eyes, he was certain his mind was replaying memories that none of them knew about except him.

And Dante was right.

It wasn't the torture of Blue that Nate couldn't stop thinking about. It was the echoing blood-curdling cries of Lucius and how heavy his body had been as it fell on his shoulders. Nate couldn't stop thinking of not only the weight of it as he desperately kept himself upright to hold on, but the quivering of his physique and the way his sobs seemed to make him lose air, gasping for a breath between each of them. He hadn't been able to stop the screams from replaying in his brain, and it wasn't a surprise when he woke up in a panic, sweating as the nightmare replayed that moment of Lucius. The worst was that he had to practically drag Lucius towards the elevator, where he was sobbing alarmingly hard that Nate debated bringing him to the infirmary.

"Where's Lucius?"

Nate flinched when he heard Dante's voice. He glanced in his direction for a moment, and instantly, he could see entirely what was going through Dante's head, which only made the cold sweat form even more. The way Dante's eyes studied him were tense enough to make him glance elsewhere. " his bedroom...he's feeling a little...under the weather." That didn't sound remotely believable, but before Dante could persist, they heard cackles suddenly boom from the throne in front of them.

Draco's eyes were closed as he bursted into laughter, holding his stomach from his abdomen starting to hurt. He had never imagined that Cesar would have thought of such an elaborate plan, especially since it could've worked if his idiotic sons hadn't prevented him from snapping Lori's neck—maybe emotions weren't as bad as he had assumed after all.

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