Chapter 144 - "You looked amazing fighting him."

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"Again!" Draco growled, his footsteps halting beside one of the pairs. As they followed through the motion again, Draco leaned towards Reno who had his long sleeves wrapped around his torso, his bare upper physique drenched in sweat. They had been training for seven hours, and they were all terribly sweaty that they appeared as if they went swimming. "Your throw is weak." He shoved Reno aside, lifting his hands towards Bronsted who inhaled a sharp breath, his legs already started to quaver as if father approached him with his eyes sharpened. "Your throw is meant to purposely make your enemy land on his neck, snapping it instantly. If you do it wrong, he'll get up and beat the fuck out of you. Like this..."

"You're not actually—hold on Dad!" Before Bronsted could protest further, his father demonstrated the motion, but as he threw Bronsted towards the ground, he didn't follow through the entire throw and instead kept his grip locked, Bronsted halting in the air. He returned Bronsted to his feet and returned his attention to Reno who grumbled curses under his breath. "Is there a fucking problem, Moreno?"

"We're all fucking tired."

"Speak for yourself," they heard as a low growl from Lucius, which made Reno roll his eyes.

"Lucius is the only one of us who's never tired," Jake commented as he let his body fall onto the ground, his back slammed against the cemented floor of the indoor training arena. They had been sparring with one another, hand-to-hand combat, to improve their close range techniques, but Draco's movements and patterns were elite but unnatural, making it difficult for all of them.

Mostly Nate, who had to learn to adjust with his one arm, and who allowed himself to drop onto his back the moment he heard the thud from Jake. The domino effect continued, Reno falling next and Jules following shortly after. Eventually came Lori's turn as he let his body run completely numb and fell into the floor, and finally, Dante collapsed as well. Bronsted followed suit, and Draco observed all of them gasping for air, as if they were fighting for their lives.

Draco shook his head, his lip curled as he observed his sons in disgust. But the worst of them all was Eleanor, who had been unconscious for a while now. Although she was strong and agile, she hadn't been trained to such extreme in a very long time, hence she needed time to adapt to the strenuous activities while on barely any sleep.

Draco's eyes eventually landed on Lucius, and although he was proud of his straight spine with his palms on his hips, appearing completely fresh as if he hadn't endured an extremely exhausting training session, the rest of them were nowhere near his stamina and abilities.

"Troop bonding tonight," their father announced as he began making his way to the exit of the arena.

That caused a few ears to perk, and Lori to completely push himself to sit. "By that, do you mean we can..." He was ecstatic but didn't want to get too much of his hopes up. It had been a while since they had been allowed on the outsides. "...We can go clubbing...?"

All their eyebrows raised with hope. Draco narrowed his eyes suspiciously, examining all of the happiness that radiated from their faces before scoffing, "Fine." They all withheld their cheers, especially Reno who had to plant his palm over his mouth to hide it. However, Draco leaned towards them and pointed a finger in each of their directions. "No fucking scandals! Last time, you all had the police involved." He folded his arms. "The only reason I'm allowing this is to release the stress and unleash a bit of hormones; it helps get optimal training results."

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