Chapter 62 - "Retrieve Nate Tomorrow."

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The raucous erupted in an instant. One moment, they all stared at the panting Eric begging for mercy with blood trickling from the side of his face, and the next, Bronsted and Reno were restraining Dante who attempted to murder Eric in that moment.

"You both better let me go now."

In the background, their amused father burst into cackles, watching the scenery unfold. The only one who stayed still was Lucius, unbothered by the quarrel and not even paying any attention to Raphael who stood by the closed door to prevent Eric from escaping. But what they didn't know yet was that Eric had no intention of escaping, instead all he had done was for his own survival.

When he saw Dante's hands begin to successfully pull away from his brothers, he grew anxious. "Please," he begged on his knees, wiping the blood that had leaked in front of his eye, "at least hear me out first."

"You murdered his aunt," Dante shouted, his arm missing Eric by a millimetre before the brothers both pushed him a step away.

Eric shook his head rapidly, the fear exposed in his eyes as he glanced around the room to the other brothers. His eyes met Raphael's calm ones before finally facing the front and feeling goosebumps rush across his flesh when he met the sharp bright golden eyes staring directly at him, as if it was attempting to pierce through his skull. He couldn't look for too long, feeling as if his soul was being sucked from his body, and dropped his gaze to the floor.

"I had no other choice! Please, listen to me." He raised his hand in retreat. "I'm not here with any hostility, I'm here to help."

Dante screeched, "Bullshit."

He only calmed down when Raphael intervened, nodding his head while he defended him. "It's true; I found him outside the gates."

"What were you doing outside the gates?" That was the first time Lucius spoke to Raphael and it hadn't been friendly. There was no reason for Raphael to be outside and it was clearly something Raphael did not want to reveal since he snickered, shook his head and diverted his focus back onto Eric. That caused Lucius to clench his jaw but return to silence.

"He pleaded to have a chance to speak with you, Draco," Raphael continued.

Molly folded his arms. "We should let him talk but I think I already know what he'll say."

"No, I don't think we should let him breathe for even a second longer—"

"If you so much as lay a fingernail on him, Dante..." Draco's tone had caused all their spines to straighten instantly, the coldness behind it making it known that he was speaking his truth, "...I will kill you with my bare hands."

When Molly noticed the way Dante's fury shifted from Eric to his own father, as if he was ready to pounce on him as well, Molly cleared his throat and intervened. "We need him, Dante," he explained, "that's why Dad is saying that."

"Talk already!" Reno insisted, shaking his head. "We've gotten nowhere within the last five minutes, more chances that this mission won't work."

Bronsted kept a hand on Dante's shoulder throughout the entire discussion.

Eric finally cleared his throat, closing his eyes for a moment. "I didn't know this was what I was getting myself into. I was a good kid before, you can ask anyone!"

"Cut to the chase," Lucius growled. "We don't have all day."

He swallowed hard. "Wolf brought me to this city. He said he wanted me to be his second in command but for that, he wanted an opening to get to you, Draco."

Eric was hesitant to glance at Draco, and when he did, the lengthy smile showing his long canines made him flinch.

He tilted his head to the side. "And what was that opening?"

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