Chapter 135 - "Dante's girlfriend."

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"Why the fuck did I have to clean the sheets if you're the one who decided to have sex in them?"

No response.

"The worst part is that you wanted to sleep before I could clean them, you're dirty."

Lucius exhaled a long fume of smoke from his cigarette; still no response though.

"I couldn't even sleep in my own bed, in my own room. I slept on the couch—which was comfortable, don't get me wrong—but I think that what you did was disrespectful."

Lucius yawned, continuing his walk towards the dining room. Nate was starting to grow irritated that he hadn't even been glanced at once.

And he was doing anything he could to get Lucius annoyed enough so that he would answer, but there wasn't much he could say. Hence, after a few seconds, he shrieked, "I deserve an apology!"

That made Lucius chuckle, sending him a mocking raised eyebrow before shaking his head and taking another long deep inhale from his cigarette.

"And your cigarettes stink!" That only made Lucius laugh harder, rolling his eyes as they continued on their paths. Nate grumbled curses under his breath. "You're the only and worst roommate I've ever had."

"Go sleep somewhere else then."

Finally, Lucius had answered, but that only pissed Nate off, which was the reverse of what he wanted to happen. "What the..." he could feel the veins forming on his forehead as he snapped, "It's my fucking bedroom! If anything, you should be the one to leave and take your nasty sheets with you!"

Lucius narrowed his eyes in his direction, meeting the furrowed brows and gritted teeth of Nate, before waving his hand dismissively. "It takes two seconds to clean them," Lucius finally argued back through muffles since his cigarette was still at the edge of his lip. "You're a drama queen."

Nate threw his hand in the air. "It's not nothing! It's my bed!"

"Don't act like you didn't enjoy the show."

That was definitely a surprise to Nate since his footsteps stopped and his choked on his own inhale. It didn't help that Lucius boomed into cackles, grinning terribly hard that he held onto his abdomen. It made Nate's entire face spark red, before be pointed a finger and growled, "I-I...I d-didn't—"

"Then why are you stuttering, Nathan?" Lucius twisted around the face him, walking backwards as his lips closing around the cigarette. His hands were in the front pockets of his hoodie, and he kept them there as he blew the fumes from the cigarette while not releasing it from his lips. Then, he winked, before facing forward again with a paralyzed Nate behind him.

It wasn't that he liked Lucius—there was no romantic feelings there whatsoever—but the way he was so straightforward was definitely something to get used to. Also, it wasn't as if Lucius was ugly, quite the opposite actually, peculiarly and perfectly handsome. Thus, getting flustered here and there was surely going to happen whether Nate liked it or not.

However, that doesn't mean he shouldn't demand respect, even if Lucius didn't care much of his complaints. That was why, when he could finally breathe again, he sprinted after Lucius and caught up to him. Before he could continue his new speech though, Lucius pushed open the doors to the dining room table and all eyes of everyone seated around the table turned to the both of them.

"You two are the last ones to show up and you're ten minutes late," Draco snarled the moment they entered, always in his creaking golden armour. "You both will have punishment during training today. Grab your seats." Nate swallowed hard as he found a seat next to Reno, who eyed him suspiciously, repeatedly glancing between him and Lucius before eventually shrugging his shoulders and returning his focus to Draco.

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