Chapter 42 - I Don't Feel Good

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Tyler instantly reached for the pistol in her dresser when she heard the banging knocks on her door. She lived in the basement of an elderlies restaurant, one that was practically abandoned. Barely any customers came to this place since it was on the outskirts, near the forest, which frightened many people. And the regulars that did show up were old friends of the elderly couple who came because they had nothing better to do. Even then, there was a door in the floor identical to the floorboards, meaning her place was completely hidden and only a select few people knew about it.

But since she did not expect any visitors, she was prepared for the worst. It was almost five in the morning, a weekend night, and there was no way she would let herself be taken by surprise. The moment she pulled open the door, she was seconds from pressing the trigger when the hand flew forward and lowered her aim, ripping the gun from her reach and unloading it instantly.

Dante threw the pistol to the side and walked past her, storming to the kitchen where he pulled open the fridge door. "Any alcohol?"

"A couple beers in the fridge—it's five in the fucking morning, Dante!" She exclaimed breathlessly, rubbing her eyes and sending a few fingers through her disheveled hair. "I was asleep!"

"I want to kill Nate and I need you to do it for me since Raphael won't let me."

Tyler shook her head, her shoulders falling as she headed for the kitchen. He handed her one of the beers as well to which she popped it open and took a sip. Dante rarely did this, and she would never turn her brother away. Besides, from the gloomy shadows surrounding his eyes, as if he had witnessed a the worst sight of his life, she knew he definitely needed some ears and possibly advice. She was already up and from what Dante had said, she knew this was going to be a long conversation.

After a short silence, she cleared her throat, sending her fingers through her disheveled hair before asking, "What happened?"

Dante chugged his beer and grabbed another one.  He didn't answer right away, cranking the second one open and taking a long sip before finally exhaling a sigh. "He screamed at me and told me he doesn't like me and will never love me."

"Okay..." When there was nothing else added, Tyler furrowed her brows and said, "You have to tell me the full story—what did you do?"

"I didn't do anything, Tessa." When he saw her eyes furrow even deeper, he sighed and lowered his eyes for a moment. "I did try to kill him."

"What? Why?! Today?!" She couldn't believe that this all happened without her knowing. She remembered that they had both been at the party together and she had been the one to send him home since he drank way too much and was slumped. That was why she didn't understand how he could have suddenly been almost murdered by Dante. "He was at the party with me today."

"After the party," he mumbled, slamming his hand against his forehead in embarrassment. He remembered the look across Nate's eyes as he pushed himself from the couch and began throwing on his clothes. "But it's because I caught him having sex with his ex-boyfriend."

Tyler stayed quiet for a second. She glanced away for a second and when Dante lifted his eyes, meeting her gaze with nothing more to say, she raised an eyebrow. "And? What did he do?"

Dante frowned, glancing at his beer before returning his gaze on her. "That is what he did."

Tyler's eyebrows instantly rose. "Sleeping with his ex-boyfriend?"


"No, not exactly," Tyler snorted, shaking her head as she breathed quietly a few curses. This was always the way Dante reacted. "Why did you try to kill him?"

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