Chapter 94 - "Spin the wheel."

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"You owe them money?"

They had all been summoned for a meeting and due to the events that happened the night before, they had all already predicted what was going to happen.

The way the deep growl echoed within the room, they could practically feel its weight on their shoulders. His presence was suffocating enough that a few of them even instinctively itched their throat. Especially Lori who had tears leaking along his cheeks, his hands raised defeatedly. They had wrapped a cloth around the hand that had been cut, but the blood had been seeping through. He couldn't feel any pain though, since the adrenaline of being in front of him was making him panic.

"P...P-Please..." he began to plead, clamping his hands together in a prayers stance.

Lori was always the most talkative with confidence and could pull any women he laid his sight on. Although his fighting was not up to par, he still made Dante had to focus and work for a victory during their sparring training sessions. From all of them, they had never imagined that he would be implicated in such deceits. "D-Don't kill me—argh!"

Draco's fingers wrapped around his neck and he slammed Lori against the wall. Since Draco was much taller than all of them, Lori's feet flailed in the air while Draco held him up merely by his head. He could feel the pressure in his brain start to rise that his hands gripped Draco's arm, tapping to make him release him.

The instinctive resistance from Lori as his nails began to dig within Draco's forearm, only made Draco squeezed even harder. "You owe them money and you haven't paid your debt yet?" His teeth were gritted and he hissed through them, "I'm the one that came up with that rule."

"You're going to kill him—"

"I don't care!" His father snapped to Dante who had taken a step forward. "You're lucky I'm not killing every single one of you!" Instantly, Dante's footsteps halted as he stared at the squeezing jaw of his father. "I told you all before you left—no incidents! Do not attract attention to yourselves! All of a sudden, I have a call from one of our guys in the police force telling me to get all of you to leave that bar before they get there!"

"It's not as if we asked to have attention on us," Dante defended, glancing towards his brothers who nodded their heads. "They came at us randomly—"

"Be fucking quiet, Dante!" His lips sealed into a thin line. What surprised him though was the tug he felt at the back of his long sleeve. When he glanced over his shoulder, he noticed the darkened eye of Nate glaring at Draco. He was afraid of Dante getting into more trouble, but he was prepared to fight Draco if Dante was in trouble. "He should have informed us of that before he joined us."

They heard a sigh. "We can deal with it."

They were surprised to hear Jake with his arms crossed, standing beside Reno and Bronsted who both didn't feel any remorse for the harshness towards Lori. There had been a high school graduation party that he had to attend last night, which explained his absence. He wasn't there to see Raphael or Lucius berate Lori and slice his finger, but he genuinely enjoyed Lori's company. They had grown a bit closer ever since Lori had gotten higher in the ranks, but never had Jake imagined he would be implicated in such situation. Regardless, he was certain Lori had a good explanation for all of this. "At the end of the day, we're a team so we all need to deal with it."

"Hmmm...." Bronsted protested, chuckling as he shook his head. "It doesn't work that way."

"Not for these types of situations, at least," Reno agreed.

A scowl formed on Jake's face as he turned and met the gaze of both Reno and Bronsted. The only thing he got in return was challenging raised eyebrows; not only were they not scared of him, but they barely took him as a serious threat. "It does work that way," he spat.

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