Chapter 48 - Leave My Sister Out Of This

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Aunt Judy had a glass of wine, standing across from Nate around the kitchen island. Nate had been venting about how he felt and what had happened with Tyler, and the more he thought of it, the more he grew angry that Tyler had practically unleashed a low blow on him. Maybe he was being a tiny bit unreasonable but his emotions were skyrocketing, exploding in every direction that he was unsure what he truly felt.

The worst part was that he wasn't even sure if he truly wanted Dante back into his world, feeling much more at ease since he knew he wouldn't show up anymore, but at the same time, the intimacy they experienced together was out of this world and something he could not stop from running through his mind.

"Nate," Aunt Judy sighed, their gazes meeting for a second before he turned away, grabbing a beer can from his fridge. "How about you try to focus on school and a sport instead? Forget about both of them, they're not going to help you in any means."

"I know that," he exhaled, shrugging his shoulders as he stared at the lines across his palm. "But I'm not sure why I'm so angry with Tyler, it's like a fire in my chest that's just...directed at her."

"I really don't think she did anything wrong."

Nate had enough of hearing her side being defended. "You always have my back, auntie. Why are you against me for this one?"

Aunt Judy furrowed her brows, pausing for a moment and setting down her glass. "For the record, I don't always have your back, I tell you when you're messing up and in this case, you're messing up."

He rolled his eyes. "Raphael said that he was convinced because of her."

"And because of you," Aunt Judy added, as if it was an obvious answer. "You put the thought in his head first."

"And the only person you should be blaming is yourself."

Both their eyes turned when they heard the disembodied voice echo across the apartment. Nate hadn't expected to see him this early, but when Dante turned the corner, Nate's heart skipped a beat as his figure came to view.

Dante was wearing a burgundy suit, a gold chain across his neck, a few matching rings with a black watch that blinged whenever it crossed a light. His black hair was slicked backwards, and he seemed to be in a hurry, as if this was a quick stop he had to make. However, from the way his contorted face only grew even sharper and colder, Nate knew that this was not going to be one of their enjoyable intimate moments.

Dante's narrowed glare filled with disgust made Nate's breath get caught in his throat. It was almost as if they had never been on good terms, arch nemesis that met again under unforeseen circumstances. He rolled up the ends of his sleeves to his forearms, his dress shoes clacking as he made his way closer to the kitchen island, not breaking away from Nate's surprised gaze.

"You really are something, thinking it's alright to tell my sister you would punch her in the face." The rage behind his tone as he growled, his shoulders broadening while he sent a death glare in Nate's direction, made Nate break eye contact instantly. That made Dante shout, "You better fucking look at me when I'm talking to you."

"Dante, he—"

"Raphael, remove her, now." In an instant—and Judith knew it was coming—Raphael arrived from around the corner and grabbed her around her waist, throwing her over his shoulder and storming away from the kitchen. They both heard the front door slam shut, no longer any footsteps.

The silence that settled for a few seconds after Judy and Raphael's disappearance was terribly tense. Nate took a sip of his beer. "I thought you wouldn't show anymore."

"I definitely was not until I found out about the bullshit you did today. What the fuck is your problem?"

Nate turned away for a second; he was unsure as to why he suddenly felt flustered. Usually it was the other way around, but this time, it was clear that Dante was the dominant one; that was his true character. "I don't have a problem."

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