Chapter 4

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Next day

Today is Saturday and lucky for me izumi and her gang are hanging out in a mall. Which gives me free rein to work on my staff. As I got up from my bed I noticed that the bento box was missing, not like there was anything else in it. I got dressed because I need more stuff to finish my staff. As I opened the door there was no one inside, good. I quickly made myself some food and head out to the one place I got my supply, Dagobah beach, the dirtiest beach, it's so dirty no one even dares step foot in it well except me. As I made my way to the beach I ran into my uncle Aizawa.

Izuku: oh. Hi uncla zawa.

Aizawa: Problem child, what are you doing here?

Izuku: Oh nothing much, just having a stroll around the outskirts of the city. What are you doing?

Aizawa: going to find a peaceful stop.

Izuku; oh and where is that?

Aizawa: Just around the ocean, I'm sure you know about Dagobah beach.

Izuku: yeah i know it's one of the dirtiest beaches around here, no one sane enough would go near it.

Aizawa: well i'm going there

Izuku: oh.. Um can i go with you

Aizawa: Why did something happen to you?

Izuku: Oh no nothing happened, I just started getting interested in creating stuff.

Aizawa: i thought you wanted to be a hero like All might*cringe at saying his name*.

Izuku: well i did, but *exhale* d-did mom tell you about..

Aizawa: About what kid?

Izuku: it's about my quirk

Aizawa: No, she has not mentioned your quirk, only Izumi's, i asked about yours but she refused to tell me.

Izuku: well you see... I'm quirkless...

Aizawa: hmm i see, well i'm not stopping you.

Izuku:?? Huh.

Aizawa: What do you mean huh, you coming to the beach with me or not?

Izuku: oh yeah*starts walking after him*.

5 minutes later

Aizawa: I'm not one to pry but it seems that your not into the whole quirkless thing are you?

Izuku: Well, "I can't tell him" just worried that people would think of me differently and ... I thought you.. Would.. Think that...

Aizawa: Well quirk or not quirk doesn't matter to me.

Izuku: well some people thin-

Aizawa: Kid, do you know who I am?

Izuku: What do you mean your Aizawa Shouta, my uncle?

Aizawa: I mean my work.

Izuku: Well, yeah it wasn't hard to find, you're the underground hero Eraserhead, your quirk allows you to erase any quirk besides mutation quirks. You have a scarf that allows you to maneuver around the city and also acts as a capture weapon. You prefer to be in the shadow to avoid the public and the drawback of your quirk is your dried eyes.

Galaxies far from you MHA X BBBWhere stories live. Discover now