Chapter 19

870 39 18

Weeks later

Amato: Ok that should be everything.

Boboiboy: Ok Dad.

Flora: Boboiboy, shade. A little warning for Yaya and Ying, don't get grade higher than 90

Shade: Huh, why.

Flora: From the looks of thing, I think they would fight whoever gets higher than them, so it's safer to stay below that.

Bbb & Shade: Got it.

Amato: I'm not gonna argue about that, besides you have a future at LAKSAR station. "thinks back to his time in school"

All 3: Yeah.

Flora: Hey, we should go to Kota Hilir first.

Boboiboy: Yeah, We should give him a tour.

Shade: Kota Hilir?

Amato: That is the place where we lived before. Since you Boboiboy and Flora are moving out and me and your mother are busy working. The house will been deserted.

Shade: Oh, sure. I would like to see Kota Hilir.

Flora: Yeah, we get to see the other robots, there are some you haven't seen yet.

Shade: They mentioned three of them, those are the ones I haven't met yet right?

Boboiboy: Yup, can't blame them, they love their new lives.

Amato: Ok, call me when you arrive at Kota Hilir and Pulau Rintis, ok.

All 3: Ok.

Flora: Alright, here are the coordinates, shade.

Shade: Ok, we will be going now Dad.

Amato: See you soon.

All 3: Bye. *shade opens the portal*

Kota Hilir

Flora: Alright, we're here.

Shade: Wow, this place looks so vibrant.

Boboiboy: Yup, its more advanced than Pulau Rintis, but its home.

Flora: Too bad I can't bring Grey with me.

Boboiboy: Grey is a alien dog and he might cause problems if he was here.

Flora: Hmp, Dad said I was responsible. Why can't I be responsible to bring him with us?

Shade: Flora, you know Grey is a endangered species. If other aliens find Grey , wouldn't they try to take him away from you just like any powersphere hunter would do?

Flora: Hmph, I hate when your right.

Boboiboy: Hey, we can always visit Grey. He is helping Dad and Mom at the station.

Shade: Yeah, he is really good at judging people too.

Flora: Yeah, Mom now bring Grey to inspect the newbies during there test and first week on the station.

All 3: *Shiver*

Boboiboy: I feel bad for anyone that doesn't pass, Mom and Grey's inspection.

The 2: Agreed.

??: Oh masters your back.

Boboiboy: Hi Sejuku.

Sejuku: Is this your twin? I haven't seen him yet?

Boboiboy: Yes he is.

??: The others are bullying us for not seeing you. They wont even show pictures of him.

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