Chapter 124

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Virn: Hmm, looks like everything is already here. Most of your injuries are all healed up so we can begin if you'd like-

Izumi: Uhm, how are we going to do this?

Hejar: Simple we will put you under General anesthesia, this way you won't feel any pain while we operate on you.

Vermil: This surgery will focus on your arms since those are the most damaged.

Izumi: And my legs?

Virn: There is no need, your legs are fully operational so there is no need to operate on them.

Izumi: I see.

Vermil: We won't be able to remove your existing scars only the ones we put as an incision.

Mara: If you want we can wait till your ready.

Izumi: ... No, I want to do it. If this helps me fight All for One then I can't afford to miss this opportunity.

Virn: Alright, Duri!

Duri: Yes? *Pops out of nowhere*

Izumi: *Blinks*

Virn: He is going to help me out as well.

Duri: That's right.

Izumi: Ugh.

Vermil: Don't worry, we know what we are doing. Now lay down at the table so we can begin.

Izumi: *Gets on the table*

Duri: Virny, do you need this? *Holding a small box and handing it to Virn*

Virn: Ah yes, thank you. *Pulls out the injection*

Izumi: I-It won't hurt right?

Virn: No why?

Izumi: I-well it's because-

Shade: She is scared of needles.

Izumi: Iz-Why do you remember that?

Shade: Of course, I remember that I keep tabs on everyone.

Virn: Ooh, I guess we should have Duri put her to sleep then.

Izumi: Put me to sleep-

Duri: Ta Da. *Holds some flowers in front of her* Do you like them?

Izumi: Y-yeah, they are very pretty.. Why do you... ask?

Duri: I just wanted to show you.

Izumi: Oh... well... they are *Yawn* very... nice... *She falls unconscious*

Flora: Well, that worked better than I expected.

Virn: Well Duri has a very innocent aura, who would expect him to do anything wrong?

Duri: Did I do something wrong?

Everyone: No, you did not.

Hejar: We should begin now while she is still asleep, you should all head out of here. We need to focus on this.

Everyone: Right. *Leaves the room*

Vermil: Ready to tools.

Virn: *Pulls out the utentils*

Hejar: *Pulls out his gloves* Alright, let's begin.

Shade: Let's leave them to do their work.

Duri & Flora: Ok.

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