Chapter 133

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Planet Zehro

*A black portal forms as the destroyed planet's remnants get sucked into the portal and reappear at planet Malatite. The pieces from planet Zehro attached themselves to planet Malatite and the planet starts to form a whole planet.*

Valkyrie: *Watches Gempa work* Is this really ok for you to be doing this Gempa?

Gempa: It's alright, I won't push myself. Not when I now know that the others are worried about me.

Yuuki: This is incredible. Is this the power of the elements?

Gempa: *Looks at Yuuki* Your... Izumi right?

Yuuki: Uuh... Heh-

Valkyrie: Again Gempa, I'll explain everything later.

Gempa: Alright. *Turns to the sky and reforms the planet*

Yuuki: Do you always do this? When a planet is broken like this.

Gempa: Not really. In some cases like this, we do. This was the fault of my previous master and his battle here. He wanted nothing more but to protect them.

Yuuki: Couldn't you do something about that?

Gempa: Unfortunately no, not at that time. We are only wielded by our masters, Ori is a different case because of his unique nature, we elements are free to do as we please. We are able to play, talk and roam as must as we like but we limit ourselves not to straying too far away from him.

Yuuki: Why is that?

Gempa: He is our master, our duty is to protect him that is why we stick close to him. He may be strong but we don't want to have a new master any time soon.

Valkyrie: Add the fact that you need to get back to the others before they start to lose their memories.

Gempa: Oh, I guess I did forget about the split drawback. 

Valkyrie: Oh, Really!!! 

Gempa: Minor oversight. *Smiles*

Yuuki: Uhmm-*A portal appeared by their side*

Valkyrie: So Azzy is that all?

Azrael: Yeah, that is all of planet Zehro. Gempa?

Gempa: Just a few more seconds... done. The planet is mostly restored. Well, as much as I could do. I'm not the element of the forest so the planet will look a little bare.

Valkyrie: That's good enough, do you still have enough energy left in there?

Gempa: I have plenty now.

Azrael: Alright, let's head back-

Mryu: C-captain Valkyrie.

Valkyrie: Oh, Mryu. What's up?

Mryu: I-I still have to give you something.

Valkyrie: Woah, it's alright we-

Mryu: We insist. *Holds up the Crystal heart*

Azrael: The crystal heart-

Gempa: Did this belong to Yutra?

Mryu: I-Yes, how did you know about her-

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