Chapter 43

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Boboiboy: *Someone seems to shake him* Hmm.

Gempa: Ori its time to wake up.

Boboiboy: Hmm? Gempa?

Gempa: Yes Ori.

Boboiboy: Hmm, Why did you wake me up?

Gempa: I got a message from Shade that you three have a mission with TAPOPS.

Boboiboy: Oh ok, *Stretches* Where are the others?

Gempa: Solar and Hali are having breakfast. I made some for you too.

Boboiboy: Thank you Gempa. *He gets up from his bed and looks at the clock* It's quite early Gempa. *The Clock said 6:00 am*.

Gempa: Oh, I wanted you to have some breakfast. You didn't have any dinner last night so it's best for you to have some breakfast before leaving.

Boboiboy: Oh, thank you Gempa.

Gempa: No problem Ori.

Boboiboy: Did you already finish eating Gempa?

Gempa: Of course, Come on Solar and Hali are waiting.

In the living quarters

Boboiboy: Hi Halilintar, Hi Solar

Solar/Hali: Morning Ori/ Hi Ori.

Boboiboy: Hehe, Solar what do you have for me?

Solar: Oh, I have a lot of data about them Ori.

Boboiboy: Oh, where is it?

Solar: I placed it in this tablet here but when we enter the watch you will receive all the information I gather anyway.

Boboiboy: Oh ok. I'll give this to Dad then.

Gempa: Ori your breakfast. *places a plate in front of him*

Boboiboy: Wah, thank you Gempa, *Starts eating and looks at some of the information Solar collected* you really have been busy Solar.

Solar: Of course. *Lifts his glasses up*

Halilintar: Tch.

Boboiboy: Hehehe, leave him be Hali, ok.

Gempa: Hehe, that's my line.

Gempa & Bbb: Hehehehe.

Halilintar: *Whispers* Those two are basically identical, huh lightbulb .

Solar: *Whispers* Of course, Pikachu. Where else does Gempa get his personality from?

Gempa: Anyway, you should hurry up. I have yet to feed the other.

Boboiboy: Oh right you guys stayed out of the watch the entire night. I'll bring you back to the watch and finish up breakfast.

Gempa: Ok Ori.

Boboiboy: *Presses a button on his watch for all three elements to enter the watch* There..*Feels a little headache* Ergh, looks like Solar went overboard on his research. *Looks at his breakfast* Better hurry and finish this up.



Boboiboy: *Finished eating and changing his clothes* Alright that should be everything. *Sees the door open*

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