Chapter 57

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Gopal: Mwha, finally some good food. *Shoves the food in his mouth*

Ying: Ee, stop making a mess in here.

Yaya: Gopal, what happened to you?

Gopal: Haish, the commander send me to a planet to survive for a full day.

Fang: That doesn't sound too bad.

Gopal: As if, you haven't seen what's on that planet. There were man-eating plants, giant flesh-eating rock creatures, and pits with teeth. *Shivers* don't get me started with that lizard.

Y&Y: Eeh,

Fang: You went to a planet with walking trees, moving rocks, and hypnotizing frogs. How is that worst?

Gopal: You have no idea.

Ying: Hehe, you looked weird when we saw you this morning.

Yaya: Yeah, when we asked you all you said was training until Commander left.

Gopal: Ergh, I-I don't know.

??: Haha, look like you have faced the commander's wrath, huh?

Ying: And who are you?

??: Oh, the name's Jahar. Lance corporal of LAKSAR station.

Yaya: Oh, what do you mean about facing the commander's wrath?

Ying: Yeah, we have seen her a bunch of times but she seems pretty nice. What makes Gopal's experience different?

Jahar: Hahaha, *wipes a tear* Oh, it's a funny story actually.

Fang: What do you mean?

Jahar: Everyone on this station has faced the commander's wrath at least once or twice, which is another reason why she is well respected amongst the crew.

Ying: Also because she is a good leader?

Jahar: HAHAHAHA, Oh you're going to make my stomach hurt.

Yaya: Then what is the reason?

Jahar: Oh, the commander is a great leader but she is a very strict one.

Ying: If she is strict then why are you laughing?

Jahar: Well, everyone here that has faced her has a sort of 'switch' that turns on whenever she is around.

Everyone: A switch?

Jahar: Yup, she created a sort of 'switch' implanted in everyone that she has faced.

Yaya: What does this 'switch' do?

Jahar: Look at everyone, what do you see?

Ying: Everyone is playing around and having fun.

Jahar: Yup, this is how everyone is. We, of course, take our jobs very seriously but there are times when we want to relax and have fun but-

Mara: *Enter the cafeteria*

All the agents: *Quickly stand and turn to Commander and salute*

Mara: *Salutes back* I need three volunteers at the hangar.

*Three agents step forward.*

Mara: Good, come along. *The three agents follow the commander*

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