Chapter 68

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Aizawa: C-cerberus.

Cerberus: In the flesh.

Aizawa: H-how are you-

Cerberus: Your lucky, we were just in a meeting with Nezu when one of your students busted through the door. 

Shigaraki: Who the hell are you?

Cerberus: Hmm, me. I'm just your average superhero. 

Shigaraki: Tch, that portal didn't do its job.

Cerberus: Reinformence should be here in a few minutes, it's best you surrender now before you do it the hard way. 

Shigaraki: As if we would surrender to you, Nomu finish him.

Nomu: *He charges towards Cerberus to only have an arm suddenly get cut off his arm*

Cerberus: Is that all you got, Nomu? *Sees Kassim in front of him*

Shigaraki: Hehe. *He watches the Nomu regenerate his arm back*

Kassim: This guy can regenerate.

Shigaraki: HAHAHA, did you think you can defeat my Nomu that easily.

Cerberus: Do you need a little more power, Kassim?

Shigaraki: A little power, HA, My Nomu is made specifically to defeat All Might. You don't stand a chance against him.

Aizawa: Tch.

Kassim & Cerberus: *Looks at each other* ...All Might.

Kassim: *Smirks*

Cerberus: Hehehe.

Shigaraki: W-why are you laughing, Do you think you can defeat my Nomu that easily.

Mineta: I think they have gone insane.

Asui: Ribbit.

Izumi: That thing is as strong all All Might, how is anyone supposed to defeat that?

Aizawa: Cerberus.

Cerberus: Oh, sorry, but was that supposed to be intimidating?

Kassim: If so that is a cheap trick.

Shigaraki: CHEAP, You don't know the full power of my Nomu.

Cerberus: Hehe, yeah, yeah, whatever you say.

Shigaraki: *A tick forms* NOMU KILL THEM.

Nomu: *Charges at them*

Kassim: Do you want me to do it? 

Cerberus: I don't think your power will be enough... *A dark portal appears above them* But... *Two people appear out from the portal* I think they should be able to defeat it.

Shigaraki: It doesn't matter if there are more of you, this place will be your grave.

?? 1: I don't think you know this, but we don't die that easily, Multihands. 

Shigaraki: NOMU.

Nomu: *Charges towards ?? 1*

?? 1: Heh, take this muscle brain. *A rocket launcher appears out of thin air* Pew. *The rockets fly towards the Nomu and as the smoke dissipates the Nomu is missing some limbs*

Nomu: *His muscles start to regenerate again*

?? 1: Oooh, regeneration. That's shouldn't be a problem, right Azzy?

Azzy??: Not a problem.

Cerberus: I'll be over here. *Next to Aizawa*

?? 1: *Looks around* Hmm, there is still plenty of villains around.

Galaxies far from you MHA X BBBWhere stories live. Discover now