Chapter 144

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Azrael: *Suddenly started to float up*

Yuuki: W-what is happening?!

Azrael: *He quickly turned behind him to find Nomus entering U.A.* Uncle Zawa...

Mirko: This must be All for One's doing.

Shigaraki: *Brings a big grin to his face*

Tamire: Guys-


U.A. Campus underground


Yaoyorozu: Major damages to the U.A. haul.

Hatsume: Hurry up with those materials.

Gopal: WAAAHH, We're going to die-

Valkyrie: Shut up Gopal. We don't have time for your whining.

Yaya: Ergh, it got... heavier...

Valkyrie: Heavier? *Gasp* What are the engines' status looking like?!

Powerloader: Bad, we are doing our best to hold it up.

Valkyrie: It shouldn't be damaged from that impact... that means there is something inside the engines.

Yaya: C-captain?

Valkyrie: Keep the gravity up, I will fix the engines myself. *Starts running towards the engine room*" More intruders, that is what I bet-"*She sees the whole room filled with Nomus* Bingo. *She summons a sniper and teleports herself to the top* Let's make this quick. *She shot every Nomu in the room. The nomus starts to pulse before slowly going limp on the floor* May you rest in peace. *She dropped down into the engine room and started to repair all of the machines there*

With Azrael

Azrael: Mire, Eraserhead, and Phantom Theif can't hold on much longer.

Tamire: Got it. *He flies over there and starts to take out the Nomus*

Galaxies far from you MHA X BBBWhere stories live. Discover now