5: keystone motel part 2

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Steven entered the room, any warmth he felt before had been stripped away as the room had looked and felt like a refrigerator, Steven shivered and put the towel over himself as he had saw his own breath.

"S-Sapphire?" Steven said looking at the source for the below freezing temperatures. "Hello Steven." Sapphire spoke bearly reacting to the freezing boy. "A-are you... d-d-doin' okay?" The boy asked tilting his head like a wet puppy.

"I'm fine." Sapphire spoke, ice forming on the walls behind her. "O-okay." Steven responded, walking over to the cold bed that he once bounced on.

Steven jumped on the bed like a worm and sat down. "W-Wanna watch TV together?" The boy asked, noticing the remote on the bed. "Sure." Sapphire responded not moving from her spot on the opposite bed.

Steven picked up the remote and clicked through the channels. "Huh. The channels are all the wrong numbers." Steven commented. "Hey, cam you use your future powers to predict what channel I'd love the most?" Steven asked turning over over the blue gem.

Sapphire hummed. "...43 but there's not much on." Sapphire predicted as Steven changed the channel to the number.

Steven feeling the temperatures drop, grabbed the blanket of the bed and cuddled it, shivering lightly, as more ice began to form around the blue gem. "Hey Sapphire..." Steven said, about to ask something.

"Even if I do, Ruby won't listen." Sapphire responded even before Steven asked the question. "Huh?" Steven asked, unaware of what Sapphire is talking about.

"You're going to say I should talk to Ruby, but it won't help." Sapphire responded, turning to the boy. "B-but she seems really upset." Steven said one of his eyes getting droopy.

"That doesn't matter. We can't stay mad at Pearl forever, and she can't stay mad at me forever,  and then she'll come back and see that I'm right." Sapphire said, quick to respond.

"A-a-are you s-sure?" Steven asked, ice crystals forming on his face and hair.

"I can see the path of fate as it stretches toward the horizon. Ruby can't avoid the inevitable. She's just letting her emotions get out of hand." Sapphire said.

"N-n-not you, though?" Steven shivered.

"No." She replied more ice forming around her.

"I'm... going to the bathroom." Steven said getting out of the blanket. "Also inevitable." Sapphire said as Steven opened the bathroom door.

"Uh, Sapphire," he came into the door way. "The toilets frozen." Steven spoke, shivering. "Such is a fate." Was all Sapphire said.

"Am I fated to pee outside on the grass, too?" Steven sarcastically asked, exiting the freezing room before Sapphire could respond. "Yes." Sapphire said seemingly to the empty room around her filled with ice.

"Keystone State..." Steven grumbled as he walked down the sidewalk as a light shown on him and the van parked in its spot like before. Steven stayed put and stared at the vehicle as the driver door to the van opened.

"Hey, stu-ball, I brought dinner." Greg said showing the boy a boxed pizza, Steven smiled wearily.

"Hey, dad. How'd it go?" Steven asked as Greg closed the door.

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