Food For Labradorite x Peridot Shippers

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《Singing Back》
mermaid/Siren AU (Labby's a Siren, Peri's a human)
(Wattpad's being a bitch rn, I can't add this to the header)


Peridot shot out of her bed as the sounds of the night greeted her out of slumber. Her dreams seem to be getting more vivid.

It's a shame she can't hold on to them for more than a few seconds. This one was interesting. About a mermaid figure singing a tune and.... damn it. Peridot forgot it.

Peridot heaved a sigh and got of of bed. It would take a while to go back to sleep considering her loudly snoring roommate Lapis, just on the top bunk of her bed.

Peridot opened the front door and sat on her porch, watching her plants shift in the wind. Then she heard it. The tune from her dream.

Part of her was compelled to investigate, find out who was playing this fine melody and how it found it's way into her dreams dispite never hearing it.

"And a song, someone sings, once upon a December~"
Someone must be fucking with Peridot now. Holding onto her coat, Peridot got up from the chair and went closer to the beach.

"Someone holds me safe and warm."
Peridot could feel herself getting closer to the voice, though, now she could hear a music box in the distance.

It must be where the voice is. Peridot quickened her pace.
"Horses prance though a silver storm~"
"Figure dancing gracefully~"
Peridot was definitely getting closer to the mystery voice, a smile comes to Peridot's face, knowing this will all come to a close. 
"Across my memory~!"
Peridot blinked as she was at the beach, but no one was there. No one on the sand singing the tune she was still hearing.

Then she heard a splash and looked over to the rocks. Peridot's eyes widened as she looked over at the limpid figure.

 Peridot's eyes widened as she looked over at the limpid figure

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A Siren. Peridot thought. A real life Siren!

Peridot continued to gape as the Siren gasped and dipped back into the ocean where it once was, leaving the music box that was by it lone and still ticking a melody.

Peridot walked into the shallow water to retrieve the music box. It was light in her hands and had a chipping ocean blue paint over it a hint of dull yellow detailed it. Peridot closed the box, quieting the melody once and for all.


"A Siren, can you believe it, Lapis!? A real life Siren on the rocks! It had wings and all!" Peridot ecstaticly told a very tired Lapis about the encounter.

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