59:Welcome Back!

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Dioptase and Lapis spent a few more moments together before Dioptase finally decided to split. Lapis was the first to break the silence.

"How'd you'd first fuse?" Lapis asked, she couldn't help but be curious at how those two of all gems Labradorite and Peridot fused.

"It was a little unconventional." Peridot said, sitting in Labradorite's lap. "When Garnet asked Peridot to fuse, she went to me and I asked her if she wanted to fuse." Labradorite sums up simply.

"Me and Labby decided we liked it and continued to fuse, although we stopped fusing at the barn so you would feel comfortable, Lapis." Peridot said.

"But Dioptase has a mind of her own sometimes." Labradorite smiled gently, turning to look at Peridot in her hold.

Suddenly the the red eye came back and landed. It seemed like Amethyst kept up her disguise. Labradorite thought as Peridot got up and went outside with Lapis.

Labradorite got up as soon as Peridot got up from her lap to see the surprisingly silent commotion.

Labradorite saw the crystal gems, but they were offly grim there were no Rubies in sight so Labradorite thinks they beat the Rubies and ran off with their ship. But they seemed so upset, the crystal gems probably didn't want to talk about it.

"Hey guys! Did you win?" Labradorite asked, but the answer was pretty obvious. Amethyst was the first to speak up.

"Yeah dude, you don't mind us keeping this here right?" Amethyst asked gesturing to the red ship behind them.

"It's no problem, right Labby, Lapis?" Peridot took initiative turning to Labradorite for approval. Labradorite nodded and Lapis shrugged showing she didn't really care.

The crystal gems nodded to the trio and then they left as the sun set. "That was nice, wasn't it?" Peridot smiled walking back to Labradorite and Lapis.

"Sure." Lapis said simply before stretching. "I'm about to go to sleep, see you in the morning." Lapis said simply as she walks back in the barn.

"Okay! See you in the morning, Lapis!" Peridot smiled before looking at Labradorite. "Come on, Labby! We don't want to be late!" Peridot said, pulling Labradorite somewhere else.


Time flew by and now Labradorite and Peridot were back at the barn, watching the sun rise high in the sky Peridot in Labradorite's arms.

"Hey Labradorite! Peridot wanna join me and the crystal gems for a mission?" Steven asked, he seemed to be happier than yesterday, which was good.

"I think this will sharpen our skills, why not, Steven." Peridot said, getting out of Labradorite hug to walk over to Steven.

"Where are the others?" Peridot asked as Labradorite got up walking over to the two. "Oh they're already there, I just wanted to invite you guys!" Steven said chipper.

"Okay! Come on Labby, Steven!" Peridot said pulling both gems and a half to the warp pad near the barn. Steven warped Peridot and Labradorite to the Beta Kindergarten.

"Are we getting the other Corrupted Gems from this place?" Peridot asked, almost rolling her eyes as Steven guided both Peridot and Labradorite to where the gems were.

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