54: To The Beta

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Suddenly the TV in the back of the barn cut on, replaying a scene from Camp Pining Hearts repeating the words 'I just feel trapped'.

"Is this one about...the thousands of years you spent trapped in the mirror?" Steven asked worried for the taller of the blue gems. "No. I just really like that show." Lapis said, letting Steven relax.

Everyone went silent as Labradorite wheeled her project away from view. "Oh Amethyst! You'll love this one!" Peridot said, already walking away unaware of the eye roll Amethyst gave.

Peridot presented a collection of toilets with a gleeful "check it out!" As Steven and Amethyst walked up infront of the toilets. "They're toilets..?" Amethyst squinted.

"Right!" Peridot laughed, "what will I think of next!?" Peridot said inbetween laughs before composing herself.

"This represents the time me and Labradorite spent imprisoned in your bathroom, Steven." Steven looked away as Amethyst looked over at Steven, both of them slightly unnerved.

"I call it; 'occupied'. It's a collaborative piece!" Peridot smiled, giving a thumbs up to Lapis, who returned it. 

Lapis began to use her water powers to create visuals coming from the toilet, amazing Steven. "It's so amazung!" Steven said breathless, Amethyst just looked unnerved at the whole thing. "I don't get it." Amethyst simply said.

"What's there to get? It's water! Shooting out of toilets!" Steven said amazed by the display. "You see it at home." Amethyst said, returning her gaze to the two who finally stopped their water show.

"Alright, I see you're not impressed. But this- hold on!" Peridot said racing off into another direction of the barn.

"This! This is all we're waiting for!" Peridot said, gathering a bunch of metal instruments. "She's been working hard on this one." Labradorite smiled, finally standing beside Steven, eyeing Peridot kindly.

"With the power of my metal abilities, I will impress the shirts right off of you!" Peridot says cheerful, finally gathering her instruments and levitating them in the air with a small, "ta da!"

"It's a one gem metal band!" Peridot says before attempting to play all the instruments at once. Then immediately dropping them all after a second. "Welp, that's as far as I practiced that!" Peridot smiled.

After a small silence, Labradorite breaks it with clapping, then Lapis follows, snorting before breaking into a full laughter, then Steven laughs, but Amethyst doesn't.

It was weird, Amethyst would usually be the first one laughing at Peridot's antics. Perhaps something happened. Lapis walks up to Peirdot who was dimmly scratching at her head.

"Why don't you try one thing at a time?" Lapis suggests, making Peridot look up at Lapis. "Because we have guests, Lapis!" Peridot says. "Guests who must be impressed!" Peridot whispered. Lapis hummed and picked up a tambourine.

Lapis shook the tambourine resting her hand on it before looking over at Peridot. "Maybe we can try it together?" Labradorite took this as her cue and walked up to the two and picked up the harmonica blowing through it to create a small rhythm.

Peridot smiled and levitated a triangle tapping it frequently. "Isn't this great?" Steven smiled sitting down with Amethyst infront of the trio having fun with the instruments at their disposal.

Forced Fusion, Gone Right?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora