35:The Cluster

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[A/n: hey gang! Sorry to interrupt our weekly schedule, but we got Fanart!!! This time it's from the lovely PhoebeMiller6

Words cannot describe how happy I am, this is really good and I'm really happy that some one went out of their day to make fanart, and THAT GOES TO ALL OF YOU WHO MADE OR ARE MAKING FANART OF MY CHARACTERS!! But once again, thank you so much Phoeb...

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Words cannot describe how happy I am, this is really good and I'm really happy that some one went out of their day to make fanart, and THAT GOES TO ALL OF YOU WHO MADE OR ARE MAKING FANART OF MY CHARACTERS!! But once again, thank you so much PhoebeMiller6 for making this wonderful piece of art for Labby, it really makes me think of how far we have come. Anyways that's enough of me being sedimental, I'm Bee your friendly host and welcome  back to Forced Fusion Gone Right!]

"Increasing speed..." Peridot growled as the drill peirced the surface of the earth. Once Peridot pressed a button on the controller she held, the drill dug into the earth quickly.

Steven turned on the drill light and a "Allright." With a serious look on his face. "Bracing for impact." Steven said, Peridot pointed to the screen in the drill.

"It's actually two more hours of the cluster." Peridot said, looking at the boy. "Oh. Wish I brought some tunes.." Steven sighed, Peirdot pressed a button on the drill, making Schmaltzy music play in the drill as they descended.

"Uh thanks." Steven spoke. The next few moments were silent only filled with the background music as the drill descended deeper into the earth, making Steven feel slightly nauseous.

"It's kinda freaky down here, huh?" Steven said, trying to make conversation. "Why is that?" Labradorite finally spoke up, looking up over the seat at the two gems.

"It's just dark and cramped." Steven stretched his arms up, almost hitting Labradorite in the face, if she hadn't moved her head back.

"I can't even Stretch out." Steven was cut off by the drill rumbling. Steven sat with his knees close to his chest.

"How did you think you were gonna get everyone in here, anyway?" Steven asked as Labradorite turned away from the two, looking at the small screens behind her.

"I don't know. They's shrink or something. We didn't have a lot of time to plan." Peridot spoke, Labradorite squinted at one of the screens.

"So what is the plan?" Steven asked, Peridot wasn't prepared for that. "We have to drill. We're going to drill." Peridot said, before taking a glance at the screen in the drill.

"Get ready we're about to penetrate the Asthenosphere." Peridot said as the drill began to dug right into Lava.

"Whoa! It's all lava!" Steven comments with wide eyes. "Lava is what comes out of volcanoes." Labradorite educated.

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