55: Jasper...

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"Here we are Jasper's origin." Peridot said gesturing to a sandy landscape. "The beta Kindergarten." Peridot said with slight disapproval.

"Am I underwhelmed? It's pretty bright out here." Steven said, making Peridot side eye him. "It's red." Amethyst commented. "No kidding." Peridot smirked, before walking off the warp pad.

"Red sand stone!" Peridot laughs as the others follow her off the warp pad. "This is what I'm talking about! We're lucky this place hasn't blown away! Beta am I right?" Peridot says, making Steven laugh. "That's a math joke, right?" Steven asked Amethyst, his laughter seizing.

"Come on." Peridot chuckles. "It gets worse." Peridot leads the way "I mean this place has got the right growing conditions in a pinch." Peridot stops and picks up a red sand stone.

"I guess." Peridot licks the stone with no reaction. "But It's too small!" Peridot says, dropping the rock and continued to walk.

"It was obviously a total rush job." Peridot says. "A rush job?" Steven said, confused. "Halfway through the rebellion, homeworld scrambled to generate extra soldiers out the ground." Peridot explained before stopping once more.

"Look at this! The holes don't even line up!" Peridot said gesturing to a messed up wall the holes in the walls, like Peridot had said, didn't match up. there was one too high and another too low, over all a total mess.

Peridot laughed. "It's like they just threw injectors down where ever!" Peridot laughed, before catching her eye on another hole.

"And that one! This Carnelian came out sideways! How could she not? The walls are curved!" Peridot laughed moving on.

"What a joke." Peridot commented walking along the sand. "Man. I-I had no idea..." Amethyst spoke up.

"I tell you, it really makes you appreciate the Prime kindergarten, Amethyst." Peridot said, her eyes closed as she walked.

"Your kindergarten was so thought through! Sure you might have spent extra time in the ground, but everything else is stacked in your favor!" Peridot said, looking around the kindergarten once more, while she spoke.

"Great location, great holes, even spacing, consistent depth! A real kindergartener gets it right!" Peridot listed, looking back to Amethyst and Steven behind her and Labradorite.

The four continued their trek not even stopping when Steven stopped a few seconds later, staring at an injector.

"What happened to this injector..?" Steven asked quietly before Peridot spoke up again. "What you want to see is a vertical alignment." Peridot said to the two gems next next her, reminding Steven what he came here for and raced after them, catching up to the three gems once they stopped.

"with a clean, strong, silhouette." Peridot informed before turning to the side, looking st the holes before speaking.

"None of these holes come close!" Peridot laughed as Amethyst and Steven looked at each other. "Peri?" Peridot hummed at the sound of her name from Labradorite.

"What about that one?" Amethyst asked, pointing to a holes behind Peridot. Peridot hummed and turned, looking at the large, and seemingly perfect, hole.

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