9: and now they know.

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<take a shot everytime I say forced fusion in this chapter>
[Don't actually do it-]

A portal opened, a pink Lion jumped out of it, two kids, Steven and Connie laughed as Lion walked up to a house, Connie's house. Connie hopped off Lion.

"Well, time to assume my secret identity." Connie jokes, taking her glasses from the collar of her shirt, and placing them on her nose. "Same time next week for sword training?" Steven asks with a smile. "Yeah." Connie sighs. "It's a shame I can't practice more at home." She says, patting Lion on the head.

"Hey, wait a second!" Steven lifts himself off infront of Lion. "May I?" Steven asked, Lion just bowed his head. Steven put his hands inside Lion's mane, taking out Rose's sword. Connie gasps as Steven went down on one knee and presented the sword to Connie. "Here-eth." Steven said closing his eyes with a smile.

"You can borrow-eth my mother's swords-eth." Steven says  putting emphasis on the -eth's. "Steven, that's so nice, if grammatically incorrect." Connie mumbled.

"But, thou can't just givest me thine mother's sword." Connie says, dramatically, Steven's face falls with confusion. "Why not-eth?" He asks. Connie unlocks the door to her house with her key.

"Because it's very important-eth." Connie says, copying Steven's pattern while walking into her house. "That's exactly why you should have-eth it." Steven tries to reason, walking into Connie's home.

"You can have all week to practice-eth with it-eth." Steven says, spitting. Connie laughs and copies his Grammer. "Pphhthank you."  Connie spits.

"We got to be ready if we have to fight with Malachite or Peridot and that other gem or those creepy gem fusion experiments." Steven shivered at the thought while handing Connie the sword. Connie unshethed the sword a little, and closed it back with a smile. "I'll make sure nothing happens to it." Connie smiles. The the sound of the garage door opening was heard. Connie frantically turned to Steven.

"That's the garage door! Mom's home! We have to hide the sword!" Connie says, frantically looking back at the sword. "There's no way mom would let me have this in the house!" Connie explained fearfully. Steven dashed outside, yelling for Lion, but truth be told, he walked away. "What are we gonna do!?" Connie yelled.

Dr. Maheshwaren walked through the door to see Connie finishing up a song on her violin and a very nervous Steven. "Oh hi mom, just finishing my 6 o clock Violin practice." Connie says as Steven anxiously looked of to the side, where the sword was.

"You should have finished five minutes ago." Dr. Maheshwaren says. "You're late for your 7 o clock study hour." Dr. Maheshwaren states, catching notice of Steven. "Hello Steven." Steven's eyes darted over to Dr Maheshwaren nervously.

"Hi Dr. Maheshwaren!" Steven says, wracking with nervousness. "How are you?" Dr. Maheshwaren asks. "SITTING!" Steven blurts out, nervously, Steven shudders.

Dr. Maheshwaren just sighs. "I had a rough day at work. And I'm not in the mood for any more surprises." Dr Maheshwaren states, walking right next to the bright pink sword, covered with a blue beanie and a blue and white striped scarf, making the two kids hearts jump in their throats.

"What happened at work?" Connie asks worryingly, Steven looked at Connie then back at the sword. "There was a really strange case at the hospital today." Dr. Maheshwaren took off her blue grey coat and put it on the pink sword.

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