22: new and old 'friends'

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It was bright outside, Peridot was mostly by Labradorite's side for the night, however the moment the sun rose, Peridot asked Labradorite to get her off , to which she obliged, and she started to work.

After the sun had risen, the gems finally got to work, but they weren't working on the drill, instead they were setting a table..? With balloons and stuff of that category. "I can't believe it's finally my birthday!" Steven said happily as Labradorite flew off the roof, ready to help Peridot with whatever she needed.

"You're sure it's okay we're taking a break from the drill?" Steven looked back at Pearl. "Peridot and Labradorite will keep us on schedule." Pearl said, tieing fabric into a bow. "Yo, Peri, you sure you don't want to get in on this?" The Amethyst asked, before blowing a triangular balloon up that had an angry looking face on it. It popped.

Labradorite and Peridot just stared at the broken balloon before Peridot made Labradorite turn back, giving the forced fusion some scraps from the barn, she moved to the side of the barn, Labradorite following.

"We should celebrate our progress. We should celebrate your progress." Garnet corrected. "You've grown alot this year." Garnet placed her hand on Steven's head with a small smile.

"He certainly has." Pearl comments with a matching smile. "Yeah. Yeah, I guess so!" Steven smiles before a horn honking knocks him out of his thoughts.

Steven looks up to see a van. A girl steps out of the passenger seat, before grabbing a suit case from the seat. The girl turned around and laid her eyes on Steven.

"Steven!" The girl said. "Connie!" Steven smiled, dropping the fabric that was once in his hands. "Happy birthday!" Connie said, hugging the birthday boy tight before letting go. "Thanks! Welcome to the party!" Steven welcomed.

"May I offer you a refreshment?" Steven asked, pulling two juice boxes from his pockets. "Oh, Steven, how gentile." Connie smiled as the two both said 'clink' as they hit their juice boxes together.

"Soo this is the barn." Steven says, gesturing to the barn. "I'm surprised your parents are letting you stay for the weekend." Connie chuckles at Steven's comment. "It wasn't easy, they on,y let me come after equipping meditation every piece of safety gear on the planet."

"What should I do with this defibrillator?" Greg asked, pulling said item from the van. "Uhm, we can just leave it in the car for now!" Connie called back to the man. Steven chuckles at the interaction. "Well I'm glad you could make it." Steven says with a smile. "Me too." Connie agrees before the two kids turned around walking towards the set up table.

"Alright, move it, Connie! I was his best friend first!" Greg said, running up to the two kids. Greg picks Steven up and pulls him into a hug, yelling "Happy Birthday!" Cheerfully to the boy before placing him back on the ground.

Labradorite peaked from the corner of the barn and tilted her head. "Madem Peri?" Peridot looks up from her work. "Yes, Labby?" Labradorite looked back at Peridot.

"What is a birthday and why is Steven's caretaker telling him it's happy?" Labradorite asked, giving Peridot more of the metal scraps.

"The Steven told me it is a way from humans to keep track of their lives or how long they've been living in years. Each year humans celebrate their lives with edible items called cake and items called streamers and party balloons." Peridot explained.

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