65:Pumpkin carving is now a no no!

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NGL I TOTALLY FORGOT HOW HAPPY FANART MADE ME UNTIL i SAW THIS WORK OF ART, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SENDING THIS TOO ME!!!!however this concludes our updates for today, now onto our daily schedule of Forced Fusion Gone Right?]

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however this concludes our updates for today, now onto our daily schedule of Forced Fusion Gone Right?]


The dawn was new, it was early enough for the crickets to still be chirping.

"Hurry Steven!!"

and some how late enough for Peridot to be shrieking.

"okay, alright, slow down!" Steven said as he was rushed through the ears of corn by Peridot, followed by Labradorite, who seemed equally as excited. "but you need to see-" Peridot walked through the corn eagerly to show Steven a sight to behold. "we did it!"

it was a pumpkin like the rest, but also, not like the rest, it was barking, jumping up and down trying to get free from the dirt it's stem was planted in. Lapis looked at the alive pumpkin with a smile.

"Guess you dont know how vegtables work after all." Peridot said smugly as Steven stared at the pumpkin before giving at small guilty chuckle.

"yeah.. You guys sure showed me." Steven said as Peridot and Labradorite walked over to the loud pumpkin.

"Come now, my little creation." Peridot grabbed the rowdy Pumpkin. "You can assist in harvesting the rest of your kind." Peridot said, snapping the stem off the pumpkin.

The living pumpkin growled and hopped out of Peirdot's light hold, immediately making a run for Steven. like a dog, the pumpkin rested it's front limbs on Steven's knees. Steven wearing a very guilt ridden smile, speaks up. "Must be the pumpkin treats in my back pocket." Steven lies, shrugging in a cartoony way, basically revealing his guiltyness.

"that doesn't make sense." Peridot pointed out. "we made it. It should listen to us!" Peridot says in an accusing manner.

Lapis walked over to Peridot. "It's only just come into existance. And it already doesn't like us." Lapis said dully.

"and it was the first to hatch."  Labradorite sighed sadly.

"oh come on." Steven started, pressing his hands on the pumpkins face. "Go to, Peridot, Lapis, and Labradorite." Steven pushed the living pumpkins towards the three gems, only for the pumpkin to jump into his arms with a joyful bark.

"Sorry." Steven got up as he apologized the joyful pumpkin calm in his hold. "I think he's coming to me because... I'm the one who made em." the three gems were puzzled, Labradorite even more so than usual.

"oh.. that explains it." Peridot said, her eyes downcasting to the dirt beneath them.
"Well.." Lapis started, picking up a nearby pumpkin. "We made this one." Lapis said, gesturing to the pumpkin. "yeah Peri and the other ones too!" Labradorite said as an attempt to cheer Peridot up.

"the're... okay..." Peridot sighed. "But look at Steven's." Peridot gestured, looking back at the living pumpkin, who was now rolling around in the dirt. "it has a face and everything." Peridot said, deflated. 

"it's true...ours.. doesn't have a face." Lapis said, frowning. "maybe it takes a bit for earth creations to develop their features..?" Labradorite said to hopefully cheer up her two barnmates. it didnt look like it was working.

"Oh no, dont be sad!" Steven said, guilt in his eyes, before he gotten an idea. "wait right here! I have an idea!" Steven chirped as he ran off somewhere, the pumpkin barked and raced to follow him.

Steven kneeled down to a pumpkin."My dad showed me how to do this once." Steven comments, grabbing a nearby trowel on the floor. "first, you make a mouth." Steven said, carving a smile into the pumpkin, making the living pumpkin pause in it's tracks and making Labradorite grimace. it must hurt if it's a living thing.

"then we make two! eyes!" Steven jammed the trowel into two placed above the mouth, making it's eyes. the living Pumpkin whimpered at the horifying sight. "hm, lookin pretty good." Steven hummed, before remembering another thing.

"oh you know what? i almost forgot a really important step." Steven said before raising the trowel over his head and slamming it down, carving a hole in the top of the pumpkin's head.

"You have to hollow it out." Steven said oh so innocently, pouring out the pumpkin's insides right infront of the living pumpkin.

the living pumpkin rightfully screamed at the pumpkins remains and ran to the three gems just watching. shoving past the pumpkin in Lapis' arms the living cared pumpkin huddled into Lapis' arms, growling at Steven before purring in Lapis' arms.

Peridot squealed a "YAY!!" and Labradorite cooed, trying to forget the grusome act Steven had just done. "It loves us now!" Peridot cheered joyously as the living Pumpkin barked at Steven before whimpering, making Peridot pat the living pumpkin. "awe it's okay veggie head." Peridot comforted the sentient pumpkin. "that brute can't get you now."

Steven looked slightly cunfuddled, tilting his head until he caught a glimpse of his hand covered in pumpkin seeds and sauce, making him immediately realize why Pumpkin was terrified of him. "It's nice to have a new addition to the family." Steven said, wiping the pumpkin off of him while he walked over to the three gems.

"your father taught you that?" Labradorite was the first to ask. "that seems pretty brutal." Steven shrugged a little.

"well.. yeah I guess, But the pumpkins don't feel anything and they aren't really alive so I guess it's okay." Steven explained, Labradorite gave a small hum, nodding just slightly.

"but still...our Pumpkin is alive so how about we no do..that...please.." Labradorite gestured to the carved pumpkin long discarded.

"oh! you could name him pumpkin!" Steven suggested and the three gems smiled. "that sounds nice." Lapis said. "pumpkin it is!" Peridot said joyously.

what sounded like a plane drove overhead and parked, making the four, plus Pumpkin, leave the area and go to the barn confused as to why a plane was parking there.


Fun fact: Labby in a suit is coming back >:]

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