34: Malachite? who's that?

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It had been a few weeks ever since the Pastel and Aqua incident, Peridot and Labradorite are basically stuck together like glue.

They did everything together, though most of the time was just chatting with the other gems and Peridot making Logs.

The two also fused a handful of times, Dioptase flirting with every gem in sight, mostly Amethyst and Pearl, who always had a dark hue to their cheeks once Dioptase walked away.

It was morning when it happened. The ground around had shook, like a miniscule earthquake. It was large enough for Peridot and Labradorite to notice and take into account.

However it was small enough for the crystal gems not to care as they stood around Steven as he jolted up. "Did you feel that?" Labradorite asked, looking around at the crystal gems.

Most of the gems she was comfortable with, but she still didn't feel all buddy-buddy with Garnet. "Feel what?" Amethyst asked, the only one not standing and instead sitting on the mattress with a tortilla..?

"The ground shook! This could be the start of the emergence of The Cluster!" Peridot spoke, getting confused looks from the Crystal Gems.

"Stage one: light tremors every quarter hour. Stage two: full scale earthquakes!" Peridot elaborated, still getting no response from the Crystal Gems. "Stage three." Peridot flipped the white board.

"The Earth is destroyed!" Labradorite snickered softly at the 'bye bye Earth' written on the board in crude writing. "We're running out of time, we need to drill right now!" Peridot yelled before Steven interrupted.

"No! It's Malachite!" Steven yelled, Labradorite and Peridot looked at eachother then at Steven with confused eyes though this name seemed to alert the Crystal gems. "MALACHITE!?" The Crystal gems say in unison and in shock.

"What." Peridot growled. "Who's Malachite?" Labradorite asked, but it seemed her question fell on deaf ears as Steven began to explain where he was.

"I was on mask Island, I was in a watermelon Steven. They have a lovely community, but Malachite, she was there!" Steven said as Labradorite looked and felt dumbfounded.

"Lapis Lazuli is losing control. Soon Jasper will overpower her and Malachite will be loose." WHO ARE THESE GEMS?! Labradorite though to herself as she put her head in her hands.

"Who knows what sort of ddestruction an unstable fusion like Malachite could cause?" Pearl told as Peridot patted Labradorite's head in a sense of comfort while looking at the gems with bored eyes.

"Alright, gems, Pearl, Amethyst, and I, will walk to mask Island. Steven, it's too dangerous for you. Stay here and watch after the drill with Peridot and Labradorite. Let's go gems, to the nearest warp pad!" Garnet said.

"To the nearest warp pad!" Pearl and Amethyst repeated before the crystal gems all set off. Peridot and Steven looked at each other. "You might have to explain what happened whilst I was doing my tactical retreat."


"So Lazuli has Jasper trapped in a fusion?" Peridot asked after Labradorite got refreshed on who Jasper and Lapis are and what their doing at the bottom of the ocean.

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