27:yellow-bellied fear

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[A/N: hi again! It's still me Bee, sorry for the two authors notes in a row but I'd like to say that another amazing person by the name  of  fictional_writing_15 did the unthinkable and drew fan art for Labby!!


I am just really blown away at how people are really getting invested in the story and going as far as to taking time out of their day to- make fan art! Here I go kicking and stimming again!! But I'm really happy that I can make a kind of story that people want to make fan art of it, Once again @fictional_writing_15, thank you so much for this fan art, you have no idea how much this means to me and I'm really happy to have you. Anyways, we should get back to the story, until then I'm your host, Bee and this is Forced Fusion, gone right!]


The sound of glass shattering and a horn blazing filled the barn. Peridot yelped at the abruptness of the glass shattering against her face.

"Sorry Madem Peri, but Perhaps that'll put some sense back into you..." Labradorite remarked, flicking the thing by the door handle, it clicked up and Labradorite opened the door.
The door fell and the horn suddenly stopped blaring. Labradorite just looked away, no use fixing it now.

  Labradorite picked the dazed Peridot up and out of the shattered window.  Labradorite brushed off any pieces of glass that stuck to Peridot's face as the green gem struggled to get her bearings. Peridot groaned before catching a glimpse of her robot she built. "Madem Peri?"

Peridot grabbed Labradorite's hand and ushered both of them inside. Peridot grabbed the controls and bursted through the barn. Peridot crackled while grabbing the broken door and walking to the group. "Free! Free!" Peridot did a little dance in her robot, making Labradorite pinch the bridge of her nose.

Peridot threw the truck door, making it land in the ground infront of the Crystal gems. "Fools!" Peridot smiled deviously. "Your invisible rotary shield was no match for me and Labradorite once she applied logic!" Peridot yelled down to the crystal gems.

The Crystal gems were immediately ticked off by Peridot's taunting and charged at the robot. They must've found the communication line. "Now I'm gonna do this right!" Peridot growled, taking the truck from the barn and throwing it at the Crystal gems, making them disperse.

The Pearl and The Amethyst were together both of them holding the communication line above their heads and their eyes shut.

Peridot immediately took this as a sign to grab it. "See? None of them, knows what their doing!" Peridot turned to Labradorite, who put her head in her hands, and made a dash for it.

Peridot, knowing their time was limited, tried to twist the communicator with her clawed robot hands as Labradorite looked behind to robot to see a purple helicopter with a face on it...

That must be the Amethyst, and where ever one Crystal gems goes, the others will follow. Especially with that fusion. Labradorite shivered and turned back to Peridot. "They're gaining up on us, Madem Peri." Labradorite said quietly. "I'm aware of that Labby!" Peridot strained, attempting to twist the communicator, more frantic before.

Suddenly, the helicopter from before appeared beside the running robot. "What's up Peri-snot?" The Amethyst snickered before turning to reveal the Crystal gems weapons hot and ready.

Forced Fusion, Gone Right?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora