49:plan: Funland!

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"Ta-da!" Steven said as he showcased the sign that spelled 'FunLand'. "Welcome to funland!" Steven said happily. "You brought us to a sign!" Peridot says, slightly shocked, Amethyst put a hand on her shoulder. "Nah, nah, you got to go inside." Amethyst said, pushing Peridot inside while Steven grabbed Labradorite's hand and hurried her inside.

The first thing Steven and Amethyst went to show Peridot and Labradorite was a Rollercoaster or as what Peridot calls it:

"A speed pattern transportation circuit!" Peridot said with glee. "And a Rollercoaster!" Steven added. "You've got to do the most fun thing in FunLand first." Amethyst said prideful.

"Bold." Peridot hummed. "Let's follow this logic!" Peridot said happily. The four raced up to the stand. "Four, please!" Steven asked happily. "Sure, we got some new rules first." Mr Smiley pointed to a height requirement sign.

Practically no one fit the height requirement, except for Labradorite, who was only a few inches above the rest of the group. Labradorite decided not to go, but it was plenty bragging rights.

Peridot had a very loud fit, resulting in Mr Smiley threading Steven with a lifetime ban. Making Steven immediately back tracked and quickly walk away from the Rollercoaster.

"We'll have to maintain a healthy lifestyle in hopes we grow by the end of the book." Steven says, making Labradorite look at him with a 'what?' Face.

Amethyst slapped her forehead. "Ugh! Of course! Let's just grow!" Amethyst said before shape shifting into a taller, 'older' version of herself.

Steven gasped. "Shape shifting!" He says before shape shifting his legs to be taller. The two looked over at Labradorite.

"I don't like shape shifting, it makes me feel itchy and uncomfortable. Sorry."   Labradorite admitted fiddling with her hands.  The two looked at Peridot, expecting her to shape shift aswell.

Peridot struggled for a little bit before coming up with an excuse. "I uh, I must be a little rusty...why don't you three just go?" Peridot said, sweat rolling down her face.

"Awe, what?" Steven said in slight disbelief. "What." Peridot said, keeping her eyes steady to the ground. The two looked at each other, before looking back at Peridot.

"You sure?" Amethyst asked, everyone saw how angry Peridot was when she couldn't ride the Rollercoaster and now she's just willingly letting it go? That's not a very Peridot thing to do. Labradorite knows. She lives with Peridot.

"Sure I'm sure." Peridot said. "I can just look up what a Rollercoaster feels like." Peridot began to shoo the two away. "Just hurry up and go on so you can hurry up and come back." Peridot told, shooing the others away.

"I'm not going if you can't go." Labradorite said, Peridot didn't answer Labradorite. She must be giving Labradorite the silent treatment.

"Oh, okay..."Amethyst said before walking off with Steven up to the ride again, and this time they were able to get in.

On their way from the ride Amethyst broke the silence. "Apart from the awesome ride we just went on, what's up with the lover gems?" Amethyst asked.

"Oh Labradorite and Peridot? Uhm  Peridot just found out that Labradorite fused with Pearl and Garnet-" Steven was cut off. "She fused with Garnet?" Amethyst looked at Steven.

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