51:Not So Fine But Getting Better.

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As the day passed Labradorite and Peridot went back to the barn, all the while Labradorite saying her injury was nothing and that she was fine.

Peridot had serious doubts however. From the amount if times Labradorite scratched at the discoloration, it had Peridot worried and guilty at what she did.

Maybe if Peridot didn't ignore Labradorite because she fused with Pearl and Garnet maybe this wouldn't have happened. But there was no time to think because the two had just made it to the barn.

"Your back." Lapis spoke as she flew down towards the two. Labradorite hid her arms behind her back.

"Where did you even go?" Lapis asked, folding her arms over her chest. "We just got caught up in something and went to Steven's." Labradorite smiled to Lapis, who eyed Labradorite and her stance. 'Labradorite doesn't stand like that.' Lapis thought. "Okay." Lapis said, walking away.


Every moment with Labradorite was never dull, she always had something up her transparent sleeves.

Whether it be a sudden magic show, or a game she found in the barn that had a twist on the game play, she always thought of something something keep Lapis and Peridot entertained.

Not right now however. Now, Labradorite was seemingly deep in her thoughts, sitting by Peridot on a pale pink couch, staring at a corner in the barn with a blank stare while scratching at her discolored arm.

Somethings she would snap out of her thinking if silence enclosed the barn. Labradorite would crack a small joke making Lapis believe nothing was wrong and making Lapis go back to what she was doing before the silence.

Labradorite would catch Peridot's eyes and smile at her, insisting that she was fine and go back to staring at the corner of the barn.

Peridot didn't believe Labradorite. Not one bit. Labradorite wasn't fine. If she was, Labradorite wouldn't be scratching at her arm like that, the discoloration sort of looked like the corruption Steven had told her (and sort of showed her) about.

Oh stars, Peridot really hopes it's not corruption. Peridot made a mistake and this was the thing to spiral from it. 'Please don't be corruption, please don't be corruption-'

"Peri, you doing okay? You've been staring for a while..."

Peridot's silent begging was cut off by the soothing voice of Labradorite, who looked at Peridot, her eyes filled with concern and an awkward smile on her lips.

'No. Don't give me your pity, I don't deserve it.' Peridot thought as she snapped out her thoughts. "You're not okay." Labradorite scratching came to a stop as she clutched her arm, her smile becoming more forced.

"I don't get what you're saying, madem Peri." Labradorite chuckled uneasy. "You're nervous." Peridot pointed out, making Labradorite sit up. "I'm- I'm fine, I promise, madem Peri!" Labradorite smiled stressed.

Peridot's frown deepened. Labradorite only addresses Peridot as 'madem' when she gets nervous now. Labradorite's getting nervous. Peridot didn't want to pry but she had to get Labradorite's arm fixed.

"I'm Sorry." Peridot apologized, sighing heavy. Labradorite smiled softly. "It's alright, Madem Per-" Labradorite was cut off by Peridot finishing her sentence.

"For this. LAPIS!" Peridot shouted, hopping from her seat and out for the barn. "What?" Lapis asked, flying down to the Peridot.

"There's something wrong with Labradorite and she won't tell me what!" Peridot pointed to Labradorite, who was already trying to hide her injury.

"Well, why is she hiding something from you, don't you share everything with eachother?" Lapis raised an eyebrow at Peridot.  "Well yes, but uhm...." Peridot trailed, she didn't know how Lapis would take to fusion after getting out of such a toxic one.

"Can't you just help me!?" Peridot asked. Lapis looked over to Labradorite, who was smiling nervously. Peridot was kind of right, Labradorite was acting ill.

At this time, Labradorite would've most likely roped Peridot and Lapis in a magic show about songs and how to take a rabbit out of a hat.

But she wasn't. She was just staring at the wall most of the time. "Can I see your gem, Labradorite?" Lapis approached Labradorite with Peridot tailing her. "No there's something wrong with her arm, check her arm!" Peridot said, Lapis rolled her eyes and corrected her statement.

"I'm sorry, can I check your arm?" Lapis asked, Labradorite looked away. She knows she can't hide this forever. She thought she could, but now that confidence is dwindling.

Who knows, maybe by some miracle someone knows how to treat this faster than she can. Labradorite got up from her seat and handed her arm over to Lapis, who cringed at the sight of it.

"How did this happen?" Lapis asked, rotating Labradorite's arm to see the extent of the damage. "I, uhm, am not supposed to stretch my limbs." Labradorite muttered loud enough for both Lapis and Peridot to hear. 

"How are you supposed to get rid of it?" Lapis asked once more, since Labradorite knows the limits to her form, she certainly know how to undo them right.

"I am also not supposed to be moving or using my arm, nor am I supposed to be itching it while it is in this state." Labradorite muttered, scratching the back of her head.

Lapis let Labradorite pull her arm back and clutch it carefully in her other arm. Peridot and Lapis were at a loss. Sure, they could let this heal on it's own, but they had a sense of urgency, worry.

They were scared and unaware of what to do. Considering Labradorite keeps scratching at her injury, the best thing for now was to keep Labradorite's mind off it so she would scratch as hard. Or maybe at all, yeah, that would be the better goal. Make her not scratch at all.

"Uhm... sorry." Labradorite suddenly spoke, her eyes looking down at the ground. Peridot and Lapis snapped out of their thoughts and looked at Labradorite, they must've spaced out too long.

"No! No, it's fine, Labby, sit down!" Peridot ushered Labradorite back down onto the pale pink couch.

"From now until your arm is healed, you are not to leave me nor Lapis' sight! Understand?" Peridot asked, Labradorite nodded, slightly worried.

"Good. Now is there something that can stop Labradorite from scratching her arm?"

Fun fact: Peridot is very worried and even more guilty.

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