53:memory lane!

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Lapis came back from her day with Steven, a little shocked. "Are you okay, Lapis?" Labradorite asked, seeing the frown on Lapis' Face. Lapis looked down at the worried blue gem.

And wrapped her arms around the smaller gem, pulling her into a tight hug. "Oh!" Labradorite let out a sound of shock as Lapis hugged her.

Hesitantly, Labradorite wrapped her arms around Lapis. "Do you want to talk about it?" Labradorite asked, looking up at the down in the weather Lapis.

And that's how Labradorite and Peridot were sitting infront of the couch that Lapis laid on it her head on a arm rest and her legs dangling off the other side as she talked about her feelings.

"I'm kinda glad you guys don't fuse." Lapis said, looking up at the ceiling with a slight smile as Labradorite and Peridot looked at eachother with tense expressions. "Uhm... well about that..." Labradorite muttered, Lapis looked at Labradorite. "What?"

"We kind of..f-" Labradorite was cut off by Peridot slamming her hand on Labradorite mouth? "Forgot about a meep morp we're doing! Come on Labby!" Peridot pulled Labradorite away from Lapis and up the stairs of the barn.

"We can't let Lapis know we fused now, Jasper is back!" Peridot whispered quietly, resting her hands on Labradorite's shoulders.

"But we can't just not tell her, what if we get caught fusing?" Labradorite asked, a worried frown fixated on her face.

"Then, maybe we'll explain. But not now. Not now that Jasper was found. Do you understand?" Peridot reassured. Labradorite fiddled with her hands, she wasn't very good at keeping secrets, especially when she was on the spot like this.

Labradorite hesitated before looking back at Peridot before nodding. Peridot smiled and pulled Labradorite into a hug.

Peridot did this often to reassure Labradorite when they were about to do something risky. Labradorite hesitated, but wrapped her arms around the green gem.


A few weeks had passed and Labradorite was finally rid of her injury. Labradorite got to take off the cone from her arm and saw no spots nor any sign of the injury. Peridot was very ecstatic and even asked Steven to come over to see the renovations they did to the barn.

Right now Labradorite, Peridot, and Lapis were watching Camp Pining Hearts. Peridot was making simple commentary when Labradorite overheard Steven talking.

"They sure did something to the barn." Steven said to his companion Amethyst. "But Paullet, I need you!" The TV chimed, making Peridot roll her eyes and respond to the TV.

"Get over it, Percy. Go make another friendship bracelet." Peridot said blankly to the TV, making Lapis respond with a "Seriously."

"Lapis! Peridot! Labradorite!" The three gems immediately responded by looking over to Steven, who was waving up the the three gems, and Amethyst, who just looked up at the trio.

Lapis summoned her wings whilst Peridot and Labradorite climbed down from the truck hanging on the wall of the barn.

Peridot wouldn't let Labradorite use her wings even after the injury was gone, Peridot thinks it might resurface if Labradorite uses her wings too soon.

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