69: dinner and making light of your tramua

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Sitting at the head of the table were Greg and his brother. "since we're throwing all tradition out the window anyway, why dont we start with this gorgeous cake!" Andy cuts a peice of cake snorting and saying, "Dessert before dinner!" as he grabbed a fork.

Before Andy put the fork into the cake, he halted, going "Where are my manners," Before passing the cake to Steven. "Steven pass this to your friends."

Steven grabbed the slice of cake and passed it to Peridot, who passed it to Labradorite, who passed it to Lapis and so on.

It went all around the table before the slice returned back to Andy. "what? you guys dont like cake?" Andy asked before Steven piped up. "Gems dont eat. well except for Amethyst."  Steven gestured toward the purple gem.

"I'm good." Amethyst said. "I had like three bottles of cooking oil earlier." Amethyst burped out a purple flame.

"That's uh... alright.." Andy said ackwardly as Pearl snapped her fingers. "that's what we forgot, more cooking oil!" Peridot soon piped up after Pearl.

"and the shopping cart!" Peridot told. "we should've taken it." Lapis started up aswell.
"we could've put it in the wall next to the truck."

"that would've benn stealing." Pearl clarifies.

"cause it's made outta steel?" Steven jokes as if the defuse the situation.

"Didnt we save the earth?" Peridot mentions, putting her fists down on the table. "we should have access to everything by right!"

"Or atleast get a discount." Labradorite says. "wedding stuff is surprisingly expensive."

Andy snorts. "You guys think your saving the earth-" he gets cut off by Pearl.

"Saving the earth from Homeworld is it's own reward." Pearl says, moving her hand from her chin.

"You know what else would be a reward?" Peridot asked before quickly responding, "A REWARD!" before raising her hand, Lapis and Labradorite, reached over and gave her a high five.

"alright" Greg started putting his hands up in surrender. "dont want to start another gem war at the table."

Garnet ooo'd and went, "Dont start it." with a wag of her finger.

Peridot laughs and began to speak again. "what if i just came to this table and started colonizing it 'cause I'm a homeworld gem." Peridot put her hands on her hips, making Steven and Lapis chuckle.

Amethyst gasped. "but you cant! this table has corn on it, and it's beautiful and we'll defend it!" Amethyst said dramatically making everyone at the table laugh. everyone except Andy.

"You're right, now that I've spent time with the table, I can see the value of your corn!" Peridot said, making the gems laugh again.

"why dont you put that corn in a mirror for thousands of years, and then see how it feels about the table!" Lapis said before bursting into a fit of laughter, Peridot laughing along side her as the rest of the table looked at them with wide eyes.

"you know what, thank you Steven, putting this meal together was a great idea." Greg said as the two gems finished laughing.

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