60: Road Runner In A Nutshell

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"Sooo, I can help?" Steven asked, making Peridot think for a moment before speaking. "I could use your experience dealing with these things. It just doesn't seem fair." Peridot huffed, making Steven look at her. "Why's that?" Steven asked, tilting his head.

"With you, me and Labby teaming up that thing won't stand a chance!" Peridot smirked, believing it to be a easy job as both Peridot and Steven laughed.

Labradorite looked around, unaware of the joke. Until the Corrupted Gem trampled the two gems, making her gasp and race over to the two.

"Are you okay?" Labradorite said, only for Peridot to sit up going: "After it!" Pointing at the corrupt gem, pulling herself up and racing after the gem, making Steven and Labradorite race after the green gem.

Peridot and Steven crawled to a nearby rock to monitor the corrupted Gem while Labradorite just stood next to the rock, already done with the twos antics.

"...What's it doing?" Peridot asked as the Corrupted Gem stared at a injector stuck in a wall above them, unmoving.

"Maybe it likes shiny things..?" Steven asked, looking at Peridot as the corrupted Gem stared at the injector, tilting their head, their tongue lolling out of their mouth.

"This is perfect!" Peridot squealed, standing up from behind the rock with a smile. "I've just concocted a flawless Perry Plan!" Peridot smirked. "So what's the PP?" Steven asked.

"Are you sure it's flawless?" Labradorite asked right after Steven, letting her Aquamarine show. "If I use my metal powers, the whole thing will fall onto the monster! It is guaranteed to work!" Peridot took a glance at Labradorite for the last part.

"Give it a try." Steven encouraged with a smile. Peridot used her powers to wiggle one of the legs. "Carefully..." Peridot muttered as she concentrated on her powers. The leg fell off near the Corrupted Gem, making a throw up it's tongues, making a sound.

"It's not falling." Steven pointed out, looking at Peridot. Labradorite gave another 'are you sure?' glance at Peridot, making her want to try harder for this to work.

"Maybe another leg needs to go." Peridot said, wiggling another leg, making it pop off the injector and making the corrupted Gem stare at it. Peridot growled, seeing her plan buffer once more.

"Fall!" Peridot yelled getting rid of another leg. "You! Stupid!" Peridot popped off another leg so that it was only dangling on it's drill.

It still didn't fall on the corrupted Gem. The corrupted Gem only looked a the legs that popper off one by one, before running away.

"OH COME ON!" Peridot yelled, angrily throwing her hands in the air. Peridot raced over under the injector and kicked at the wall in a self destructive manner.

"FALL ALREADY!" Peridot demanded, continuing to kick the wall. The injector started to weaken it's grip on the wall. "Peridot watch out!" Both Steven and Labradorite yelled for Peridot to move out of the way.

Peridot just stared up at the injector like a deer in headlights before responding. "Oh right, thank you." Peridot thanked, moving out of the way of the injector and kicking the wall, instead getting piled by a bunch of rocks.

"Peridot!" Steven yelled, racing over only to stop as the corrupted Gem ran infront of him and the pile of rocks.

Peridot poked her head out of the rocks. "There it is! Get it!" Peridot shrieked as Labradorite pulled her from the rocks.

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