Chapter 21

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“ but can’t we use hypnosis magic or illusion magic on everyone. I mean that is kaguya’ s specialty if we take account her eyes. “ Asked Artoria curiously.
“ Yes in normal cases it would be fine, but from what I heard Azazel will be attending their with his team since that party is a business opportunity for them. And knowing his genius brain I can say he will notice it immediately. And we don’t want a curious Azazel coming to find who has such talent in illusions “ replied Roxanne.
“ Yes I can relate to that. Even when we know the dangers a researcher never backs down till his curiosity is killed “ spoke Merlyn .
“ so I’m sorry but kaguya you shouldn’t go to that party. But trust me I would make it up to you later “ said Roxanne.
Kaguya shook her head and said “ don’t worry about it I wasn’t even interested in it after you mention there is politics “ yes to kaguya who had to once deal with politics her whole life is tired of it.
Roxanne nodded her head with a smile.
“ Hey Roxanne when can we come to kouh to have fun “ Morgana asked with battle hungry smile.
“ Hmm if I have to estimate it. I would give issei and the others three days to find kokobiel. So you guys can come tomorrow in disguise to my house. “ said Roxanne.
“ Hmm but what will do when we are alone at home when you go to school “ asked Artoria
“ well why don’t you guys clean up some cannon fodder while you are at it . I mean morgana id perfect for it. With some necromancy you can even confuse the enemy “ said Lucia after a bit of thought.
“ I mean do we have to. It’s boring to just clean them up “ Morgana whined and started to complain.
“ Hey who said you just have to clean them normally. You can anything unless it harm our original plan . Oh and Merlyn  can you erect a barrier around kouh if by chance kokobiel tired to escape by chance. “
“ ok leave it to me “replied Merlyn .
“ Now girls who want have a sleepover at my house “ asked Roxanne excitedly.
“ Sorry sweetie but not today, I agreed train with my kin that we saved today “said Sophia
“its same for me too “ continued luminous
“ I have to write my manga since the deadline is coming “ replied kaguya
“ me and my sister has to go to Kyoto for some business so sorry Roxanne we can’t join too “ said luna while kurumi nodded.
“ while I would certainly love to join my research is entering it’s final stage so I would have to decline “ replied Merlyn  with much difficulty due how much lewd things she would miss.
“ sorry roxxy but me and Artoria have sister’s day planned after this “ Morgana said while Artoria nodded her head a bit shyly.
“ as much as I want to come be punished by master I have to manage our finances so I’m sorry master I have to decline “ said Charlotte with a same face as Merlyn.
“ Moo…. You guys are meanies… “ complained Roxanne with a cute pout on her face.
“ Master you should stop slaking off and do your job too you know. “ replied Lucy with a strict tone.
“ but I did work ,so isn’t normal for me to have a break “ complained Roxanne.
“ Master messing with people and starting a meeting is not called work.” Replied Lucy.
“ Hmph but I’m a princess, and princesses are meant to be more rest and less work “ said Roxanne.
“ Master if we go by that logic then most of us are royalty. But do we complain when working “ said lucy
“ Fine fine I will work for some time again ..” “ hmm that’s good “ “ … but after I come back after hanging out with Scarlet- chan “ “ oka.. wait what “
{ ciel use spatial domination to go to the dementional gap }
[ Yes master ]
“ See you guys later “ Saying that Roxanne despaired in a flash of light.
“ Sigh there she goes again “ lucy complained while rubbing the bridge of her nose.
“ come on Luciana it’s not everyday we see someone going to meet the most terrifying being just to hang around “ said morgana with a chuckle.  
“ I know right , I still can’t believe she actually befriended her and gave her a name. “ said luminous with sigh.
“ as much as ground braking news it is to others , it is very common to us these days doesn’t “ asked Artoria aloud.  
“ Well our common sense was thrown out of the window the moment we encountered Mistress . “ said luna puffing out her chest.
“ You know that’s not something you should be proud of right “ said Merlin
“ ahh but why , to us if our friend or family do something amazing we celebrate “ said kurumi while tilting her head wondering what’s wrong with her sister’s comment. 
“ while her exploits are ground braking her behavior is too childish for age now. “ said Luciana with a tired tone.
“ come on lucy you know that’s one of her charm right “ said Sophia while chuckling at her.
“ I know but I wonder what will the world think when they realize the leader of the shadow garden who is most dangerous individual there is to exist has a this kind of behavior “ said Luciana.
“ hey at least you should complain while you are covering your small smile in your face. “ Charlotte said.
“ Come on Charlotte you know as much as Luciana complain she is the one who loves Roxanne’s behavior the most “ said luminous while smiling.
“ Hmm yes yes luci is a Tsundere” said luna .
“ I agree with sister “ said kurumi while nodding her head repeatedly .
Luciana just blushed and hid her face unable to retort.
While this is happening kaguya who is drawing her manga  while listening to their conversation thought ' they completely forgot about Roxanne  and the one who she was going to meet ' while shaking her head.

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