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TW: self harm implications ,anorexia implications

Wilbur POV:

Tommy comes back from the bathroom after kinda bursting outta the room, leaving us in awkward silence.

He's slightly limping, it's barely noticeable, but he is.

"If any of you guys aren't ready, get ready, it's almost 12" says Phil, "also Tom are you alright mate? You're limping."

"Huh? Am I? Must of done something to my hip or something in my sleep, now that you said something I guess It does kinda hurt. I'll be fine in like a day though."

"Alright, if it gets any worse tell me though, I don't want you walking around with like a sprained ankle and not saying anything just because you don't want to ruin the mood."

"No my ankle is fine I just pulled something In my sleep most likely."

"If you say so..." Phil seems skeptical. Does tommy have like a past with self harm and that's why he's skeptical? I know I limped when I cut my thigh. Maybe techno has a History with it and he's just worried tommy will fall down that same rabbit hole. Tommy doesn't seem depressed though. He doesn't seem like he would cut himself honestly. He's really happy 24/7 from what I've seen.

"I'm gonna go get ready" tech fills the silence

"Me too." Tommy chimes in

(A/n I don't remember if tommy got ready yet or not so mhmmm)

They both walk up the stairs and go into their room, leaving awkward silence for me and phil to fill. Mainly Phil. The only sound I'll make is my pen scratching the paper.

"Tommy's usually not like this. He just wants to welcome you here, him moving here was kind of rough for him, he might want it to go smoother for you."

I nod then start writing

He seems like a really nice kid :)

"He is. He's just kind of loud some times and that's why people find him annoying at first, but he calms down once you know him."

I like him being loud. Maybe it's just me but it's a nice change you know?

"Yeah, I get that" he looks at me "today were just heading to a few stores, if you ever want to go home though you can, sometimes tommy gets really stressed over crowds of people or more noises than normal at once, I don't know if your the same or not with stuff like that but it's perfectly fine if you need a break" he smiles

I nod my head as tommy and techno come back down the stairs.

Technos in an off white shirt with a flannel over it and regular jeans

And Tommy's wearing a white shirt with jeans also.

"Okay let me grab my wallet then we can go boys!" Phil goes upstairs

"Are you ready Wilbur?" Tommy smiles at me

I nod my head with a smile as Phil comes back down, keys and wallet in hand

"Everyone ready?"

Two "yes"s fill the silence as I nod

"Okay! To the car!" Tommy and techno start walking behind Phil and I follow, techno gets in the passenger seat and me and tommy get in the back.

!time skip cus I don't wanna write 5 hours of shopping😭!

We get back into the car, after putting all the bags into the trunk. I tried to get as little as possible but of course Phil would catch me looking at stuff, ask me if I want it, id respond, no, you already got me so much!,
And he'd say, "not enough" then put it in the cart, I'm thankful, really thankful, but I feel bad for spending his money!

We also got some back to school shopping out of the way. When we were there we saw a guy that techno pointed to and told me "his younger brother 'jschlatt' or better known as 'schlatt' is gonna be in your grade. Don't talk to him, I used to be friends with his brother and everytime I was at his house hed be drunk, high, or both, and always try to get me to do it to. Bad influence"

I nod, I wasn't listening much because I doubt a drug addict is gonna go up to me to offer me drugs anyways, even if I wanted to I don't have the money.

"Did everyone have a good time?" Phil asks

I nod, techno says "yes" and tommy goes "mhm"

I bet Tommy's just tired, he was up at 7am, too early for him I bet.

"Do you guys want to do something when we get home or just go hang out by yourselves, I'm fine with whatever but we're gonna wait till tomorrow to put all of this up, it's too much to do tonight."

"I just wanna go to sleep. You guys can do whatever though" tommy basically mumbles

"I guess if tommys going to sleep I'll just play bedwars or Skyblock, your free to join me Wilbur but I won't take offense if you don't"

I'll join you:)

I write

"Okay" techno replies

"Okay it's settled! Tommy before you go to sleep i want to talk to you by the way" Phil chimes in

"Okay..? About what" replies tommy


"That doesn't answer me!"

"Tommy you just have to wait"

"Fine." He huffs "can you atleast tell me if it's good or bad"

"I- I don't know yet. It's a question"


The rest of the car ride was tense. Seemed like tommy was kind of defensive, not knowing what was about to happen. If it was good or bad.

We get out of the car and bring everything inside, leaving it on the table and counters I'm pretty sure Phil forgot about the existence of dinner because he didn't make any, so I'm fine with that. I follow techno into his room to watch him play Minecraft as he sets up his PC.

"You can sit on the bed or the floor or wherever honestly, sorry it's kind of messy people don't come in my room often" he chuckles.

I glance around his room, he has a few Minecraft posters, a VR headset, a crown and aton of books, the only mess is clothes. By the mirror on his door there's a pile of shirts, they all have one thing in common, they're all short sleeves.



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