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Wilbur POV:

"Wil get up, it's time for your appointment."
Phil says, waking me up.


I get up, and put on a tee-shirt with a jacket over it, I already planned how today was gonna go, I picked up a few rocks yesterday purposely so I could put them in my pockets to add on weight, I know I'm underweight, but there's no fucking scales in this house cus of techno so I can't even make sure.

I put the rocks in the pocket of my sweater and walk out  of my room and go downstairs

"Are you ready Wilbur? We're kinda running late."

I nod

"Where's you notebook??"

I shake my head

I don't want to communicate at all todoay.

"Are you sure?" I nod again, slower.

He hums as a response and I follow him out to the car

The car ride is deathly silent.

We finally pull up to the  clinic

Once we're in we walk up to the receptionist

"Appointment?" She asks

"Dr.Coe, 10:50. William Soot."(I chose a random last name 4 the doctor)

"Appointment reason?"

"Anorexia diagnosis."

She glanced over at me and looks me up and down.

She hums as if agreeing"Looks skinny."

I cross my arms across my stomach.

Phil tenses up and his smile falters, he obviously doesn't know how to respond and just says simply:"tell us when he's ready for us."

We start walking to a seat

"I'm sorry she was so bitchy about that wilbur, if she says anything else ill say something back but I was caught off guard originally"

I nod as we find a seat.

"Wilbur soot?" Someone calls


Me and Phil follow the voice to the person

"Philza? Been awhile. How's techno doing?"

"He definitely could be better, I'm worried ill have to bring him back here soon for another check up."

"Well im always here for you or any of your boys, which I'm guessing there's a new one? Nice to meet you, you can call me Dr.Coe"

He stretches his hand to me, to shake, I shake it.

"He's mute, so its not a bad thing if he doesn't respond to you, don't worry." Phil smiles

"Oh! Well, William, right?"

"He goes by Wilbur"

"Well it's definitely fitting" He smiles at me and I nod.

We follow him to a room with alot of medical stuff, there's one of those beds that's normally in doctors offices and he points to it for me to sit, he grabs a clipboard with a paper on it with a pen.

"So, what seems to be the matter?"

"I think he has an eating disorder"

He writes that down

"And the symptoms?" He looks to Phil

"Not eating, he coughed up blood which I assume is from him forcing himself to throw up, underweight, anxiousness when it comes to food or eating, defensive when people mention his eating habits or when they mention he could have an eating disorder."

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