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Phil POV:

I had gotten ranboo properly bandaged and he had went to lay down in Tommy's room.

I pull schlatt away to the living room.

"So, what the fuck happened?"

"Yesterday when Alex came home he made the idea that since ranboos almost 14 we should all get high together-"

"You gave him drugs-?!"

"I didn't want to-! I told Alex no then he went into guilt tripping mode and told me to just let ranboo have fun, so I asked ranboo and told it it was up to him, at first he said he didn't want to, then Alex called him something along the lines of a party pooper and he gave in."he sighs, "I gave him a VERY SMALL blunt, I promise you I don't want him doing that shit. But time skip a few hours, Alex goes to the bathroom and just doesn't come back, ranboo asks me why I do it, why I hit him and shit, and I couldn't tell him. It would defeat the purpose."

"What could possibly be the purpose?"

"Ill tell you after, but the next morning we both wake up in my bed and he immediately goes to leave, probably because now that he's not high he remembers how scared he is of me. But his sleeve was rolled up and I saw a few obviously fresh, and purposeful, cuts. I followed him to his room to ask about it, and alex ended up hearing, and he shut us both out. Once we got the door open it was too late-" he coughs over his voice cracking."he had already done it."

"Okay... now,  why the fuck do you beat the shit out of him? I know damn well there's no good reason."

"I want him to hate me phil, I really do."

"Why in the fuck, would you want your little brother to hate you?"

"So that if-" his eyes get foggy for a second before he immediately covers it. "So that if he found me foaming at the mouth or some shit, he wouldn't be sad, he'd be grateful."

"That's fucked."

"I'd prefer that than he treat me like I treat alex."

"Maybe, here's a fucking thought asshole, instead of making your little brother hate you so he's not sad when you OD, get your shit together so you simply don't OD at all, how's that sound?"

"Sounds like hell. I'd be even meaner without that shit."

"For a little bit, then you'd grow the fuck up."

"I don't think it'd be worth it."

"Just tell ranboo why you do this shit to him. Tell him you're gonna stop, and tell him, that you'll try to quit all the drugs and shit."

"Why would I lie to him?"

"It doesn't have to be a lie, think about it. Also, tell fucking Alex not to come home unless he's sober, and tell him that you've been beating the shit out of ranboo, I know how he'll react and im sure that'll beat some fucking sense into you."

"It would be a lie phil. I can't do it in that fucking house, every wall has some sort of drink stain on it, or a hole from a bottle, some are stained with blood from my own fucking head. Every time I've tried to get better I take one look at that house and I can't. I fucking can't."

"Do you have any friends you could stay with? ran could stay here but, I don't think you staying here could pass well with techno."

"Or Wilbur, kinda threatened to beat the shit out of him if he so much as glanced at me."

"Of course you did- do you have any friends you could stay with at all though??"

"I would stay with sap, but Karl would say no, and sapnaps a total dick rider when it comes to Karl." I hear him mutter a 'literally' under his breath and I just pretend I didn't hear him.

"Ill unblock you, and instead of going anywhere, whenever you want to do that shit just call me, and I'll see if I can do anything to help your fucking house.  Also, I still fucking hate you, I'm mostly doing this so ran isn't beat to a pulp anymore."

He nods

"Ill walk home, you stay here and watch boo. I'll talk to Alex and tell you how it goes."

I nod

A minute after hes left I get a call.

Incoming call: yapyapyap ISD Middle School

I answer.


"Hello, am I speaking to philza watson?"

"Yes mam, is everything alright?"

"Your son, Thomas, needs to be picked up. He threw up."

"Oh- I'll be there soon, thank you-"

As I'm about to hang up-

"And Mr.Watson, I'd advise you take him to get a checkup. He did this last Friday. Same thing. No fever, no headache, he said his stomach doesn't even hurt till AFTER he's thrown up."

"He has very bad anxiety, and his ADHD doesn't help with that, he used to throw up alot when he got over anxious or overstimulated, ill make sure to talk to him and get him a mental health checkup."

"That would be best, have a good day Mr. Watson." She hangs up.

I tell ranboo where I'm going and check on kristen before I leave, realizing I haven't seen her since I got back, she fell asleep reading her book. I put the bookmark in it and put it on the desk before I close the door behind me.

Once I'm at the school, I check in and soon see an obviously anxious tommy.

Once we're in the car I speak up

"What's wrong? I can tell you're anxious."

"Ranboo hasn't been responding all day and yesterday he went home with schlatt- what if-"

"Ranboos fine. He's at our house."

"What? Why didn't you tell me?"

"The second I had a moment to, the school called."

"Whys he at our house? Is he hurt?"

"Um- kinda? Not by schlatt though. He-"

"By alex?? But Alex has never hurt him before-"

"Not by alex- he-um... he cut himself tommy. Schlatt only called me because he didn't know what to do.-"

"God- why did he-" his voice starts cracking "God he probably got the idea from me-"

"Tommy I highly doubt that- how about you talk to him when your home, okay? Also. I want to talk to you about how the whole throwing up things back."

"Do we have to-"

"Yes, Tommy. And if it gets any worse I'm gonna make you a mental health check up with Dr.Coe."

"Fine." He mumbles.

I sigh, then finally start up the car.


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