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TW: fight (not really? I'm bad at describing so it's not graphic or anything 🧍‍♀️) pills/medicine mention

If there's any more please let me know I didn't proofread this chapter ‼️‼️

Wilburs POV:

I meet up with techno after school and we're waiting for Phil to show up, which should take about 10 minutes, when we hear yelling if excited students? What's going on?

"Oh shit- the fight wil"
Techno looks at me

I relize this and write down, in quite sloppy handwriting, unlike me, but Im honestly very stressed, this whole thing is my fault.

Wait can I at least try to stop Fundy? He's not gonna win and apparently he almost got sent to the hospital once

"Yeah I know, Fundy has been bullied since fucking middle school by schlatt for being trans, he takes any opportunity he can to beat up schlatt, and schlatt takes every opportunity he can to win. you can try though I guess? Probably won't work..."

As we're walking over to the middle school playground (about a 3 minute walk cus the middle schools so close) I think about how fundys trans, cool!

As we approached the playground I realized it was to late, schlatt was already beating the shit out of fundy.

I hurry up and take note of the crowd, half of them are what I assume to be schlatts friend, and about a quarter of them cheering for fundy, mainly just Niki, karl, sapnap, someone in a green hoodie, and someone in a blue shirt.

I relize a few middle schoolers standing by the group

Tommy, tubbo, and ranboo.

Ranboo looks just out of it, like he's scared but doesn't even care anymore?

Tommy just is trying to make sure ranboos okay, same with tubbo.

Techno turns to me

"Go bring tommy and ranboo to where we were waiting before for Phil, we'll just bring ranboo home today, he can't ride with schlatt today. And tell tubbo to go ahead and start walking home."

I write that down,

Tommy and ranboo let's go wait for Phil schlatt can't bring you home today, and tubbo I'm sorry but go ahead and start walking home

I show them and we start walking over to where Phil's probably waiting as tubbo walks the opposite way.

Technos POV:

Do I care much about Fundy? No, I barley know him. Do I care about teaching schlatt a lesson?  Fuck yeah.

I've wanted to do this so many times but stayed out of it, having no reason to. But now wilburs friends with fundy, and schlatts beating up fundy, I'm gonna take any excuse I could get.

I walk up behind him

"Schlatt behind-" someone starts to yell, too late.

Im behind him and I kick the back of his legs completely knocking him over, weak I know, but it's just to piss him off.

"What the FUCK-!" He looks behind him, he starts laughing "t-techno BAHAHAH"

"Shut the fuck up schlatt-" I say punching him in the side of the jaw

"You little-"

He tries to punch me right in the nose, I dodge it.

I hit him straight in the chest, causing him to fall and cough on the floor, out of breath.

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