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TW: SH, Anorexia implications, past SA, voices

Techno POV:

Wilbur's sitting on my bed, looking around my room and watching me play Minecraft. I normally play bedwars or Skyblock but I got on my friend dreams world, the dream smp as he called it.

Dream:Hey tech! I'm streaming btw, so don't say anything you shouldn't

I don't reply, he knows I saw it. He said it In the games chat of course I saw it.

George and Sapnap are on too, probably with dream somewhere.

I hear a light 'thump' from behind me, and I glance backwards, Wilbur completely passed out.

Should I move him? No what if the same thing happened to him and he doesn't like being touched in his sleep.

Wake him up? No he's tired.

I'll just sleep on the floor tonight or something. Or just won't sleep, yeah I'm good with that option.

Im thirsty though, so I grab my water bottle and head out of my room, the second I leave my room I see Phil leaving Tommy's room, he didn't notice me because he immediately closed his eyes and took a deep breath, as if he was stressed. It looks like he's been crying. He rarely cry's? The last time I saw him cry was-


"Phil? Are you okay?"

"Huh-" he looks at me "oh tech! Uh yeah I'm fine just talked About something with tommy."

"What'd you talk about? You rarely cry dad."

"Tommy told me not to tell you and that he'll tell you by the end of the month-"

"Did something happen to him? Is he okay? Is he being bullied again who do I need to-"

"Techno! He's fine. Just needs to tell you something you know?"

"I guess."

"What are you doing?"

"Getting a drink"

"Where's Wilbur?"

"He passed out almost immediately, he's on my bed right now, I didn't want to wake him."

"Well you need sleep too tech, you can sleep in my bed I'll take the couch."

"No I'm fine I was gonna sleep on my floor"

"If you insist, also at least get a snack before bed, dinner completely slipped my mind"

"Will do"

He goes to his room and glances back at me

"Goodnight I love you tech"

"Goodnight dad, I love you too."

He shuts his door.

I walk downstairs and fill my water bottle in the kitchens, before going upstairs I glance at the pantry and fridge, I don't actually need a snack, it's fine to skip dinner completely once. Right?

I walk back upstairs, not looking back, and sigh as I close my door behind me carefully.

Wilbur's still asleep, he's shaking slightly and I can't tell if it's a bad dream or if he's cold. I take my blanket and put it over him, careful to not wake him up.

I sit back down at my desk and play on the server more.

I've been playing for about an hour before I hear Wilbur say something behind me, Its mumbled with my headphones so I take them off and turn to him in my rolling chair.

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