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Techno POV:

"What the fuck man that was harsh!" Tommy said as he walked up to me from the kitchen.

"If you saw someone you care about doing shit you wish you never did wouldn't you want to get it through his head not to fucking do that?"

"Yeah but what if he- fuck nevermind." Tommy said, obviously worried about something

"What if he what?"

"I can't tell you."

"What the fuck tommy? Tell me what?"

"I just said I can't tell you."

Tommy POV:

I know that Wilbur doesn't wear sweaters cus he's 'too skinny' I'm not stupid. I saw the blood on his hand that one time and the second he had on a tee-shirt suddenly his arms were glued to his body, and for a second in the car he had his arms down, and I don't know for sure, but I saw atleast one cut. I'm not stupid.

"Just- I'll be right back techno."

"Tommy? The fuck man?"

I rush upstairs to wilburs room and knock, I hear shuffling inside

"I'm coming in!!"

I say and open the door

I watch him whip around while sitting on the floor , noticing he had pushed something under the bed.

"What was that?"

He looked at me confused, bullshit.

I'll just skip over it and find a different way to know.

"Do you wanna... go to that field? I'm kinda bored and maybe you wanna calm down after that techno conversation... he was harsh, sorry."

He goes to grab his notebook

Sure, I gotta go to the bathroom first tho.

I nod and grab his wrist to pull him, knowing if he did anything he'll react

His breath hitches and he pulls back immediately, before looking scared, realizing if I didn't before, I know now.


He looks at me like a deer and headlights

"Show me your arm wilbur"

He gives me the confused look again

"Don't pull that bullshit. Show me wil"

He shakes his head

"Fine I'll tell Phil- PH-" he puts his hand over my mouth and waves his hands as to say stop

"Then show me"

He puts up his notebook

I don't want you to see that

"It's not that big of a deal I look at my own arm and see that. I just wanna know how bad it is."

It's not bad I swear tommy

"Then you can show me"

Before he has a chance to write anything in reply I grab his arm and pull up the sleeve, him wincing in the process, i know that hurt. I kinda feel bad but also I need to know how bad it is.

I notice smeared blood from pulling up and down his sleeve, cuts with blood still slightly seeping out of them, and that he did atleast 10, for how deep they are I'm surprised he did that many in that time period.

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