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Phil POV:

Wilbur and I step in the door

"Boys!" I call, I need to tell Tommy how it went, I promised him I would

I hear Tommy and techno start coming downstairs as Wilbur immediately disappears into his room, per usual.

"Yeah?" Techno says, I look at him and Tommy and notice Tommy's been crying

"I have his diagnosis and everything, but toms are you okay?" I put my hand on his shoulder "What's wrong mate?"

He mumbles a response

"What'd you say tommy?"

"Nothing" he mumbles louder

"Tommy please-"

"I said nothings wrong! God-" he stormed up to his room

"What's wrong with him?"

"Probably overwhelmed"

I sigh

"Well, Wilbur has a meal plan now and I have to go get some ingredients and shit, can you go check on him? I should be able to get it from the dollar store, so I'll be back soon."

He nods and goes upstairs.

I head back out the door and get In the car, putting my head in my hands and sighing

I haven't felt like this in so long

I haven't needed this in so long

I just need to get rid of the urge, I'm fine.

I start the car and head to the dollar store, I really only need like 5 things

I walk in the store

"Oh hey! How's wilbur? Hasnt been at school for awhile"

Niki. I forgot she worked here.

"He's fine, could be better I guess, but he's good."

"He's not hanging around schlatt... is he?" She asked nervously

What the fuck?

"What- no- do you think he is?"I turned to her

"Maybe, I'd hope not, it's just that schlatt has this guy he's always talking to in his phone called wil, and he only texts him on days wilburs not at school."

"Ill... I'll ask about it."

She nods with a hum and goes back to her book under her register, I hadn't even noticed it before.

Is he actually talking to fucking schlatt?

Just my luck.

I sigh and get everything I need, and pause when I see it. I don't need it.

I haven't wanted it since my fucking 20s.

It's just a stressful day. I'll get over it.

I head to the register and check out, once I'm in the car I get a call

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