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Phil POV:


My head hurts so fucking bad.

I go to roll over and quickly realize someone else is in my bed

I look over, kristen.

I don't know what the fuck happened, I took 'just one shot' and now I just woke up with fucking kristen in my bed.

I have small memories here and there, talking to kristen, calling techno, techno, and being told to fuck off with someone crying in the back.

Did I make someone cry?

Probably not.

I groan as I sit up, hearing kristen groan as well, so she's up.

"What fucking time is it?" She mumbles

"How should I know?" I mumble back

"I'm pretty sure techno put us in here, did he leave any Tylenol or something...? That sounds like a thing he'd do."

I look to the bedside table, there's only 2 glasses of water, makes sense. He can't exactly get into the medicine cabinet.

"There's water, that's it"

I hand her a glass of water and feel my phone in my pocket. I look at it, fuck, it's 2 pm, did the boys go to school?

I check my messages and skim them, there's only one, it's from techno telling me to apologize to tommy when they get home because he saw me, and that me and Kristen would have to figure shit out first before we even started talking again because I can't just bring people into Tommy's life then have them go away again.


I'm a bad father.

"No you're not." I hear kristen say

Fuck I said that out loud.

"Tommy saw me. You weren't there to know what happens when Tommy sees people drunk, but he just cant."

"What happens?" She looked at me

"You know his dad?"

She hummed in response

"Well whenever he sees people drunk he immediately spirals and starts begging them not to kill themselves."

"Oh shit."

I hum in response and get up to get some headache medicine or something. I hear kristen getting up too

Without a word we make it to the kitchen, I hand her some advil and take some myself, still without saying a word.

"I'm sorry I called you last night." She broke the silence.

"It's fine kristen."

"No, it's not, I can't just barge into your life again."

"We can figure out something,  okay? I don't exactly want to lose you again either. Right now you just have to leave before Tommy gets home."

She nods and there's a knock on the door, I go to check it, and she trails behind me.

I open the door caught off guard seeing tubbos mom and Tommy.

"Tommy!?" I look up at tubbos mom

"Sorry, he threw up at school and im one of his emergency contacts and you weren't answering your phone."

"Oh, I'm so sorry for the inconvenience,  thank you for bringing him home, I must of had my ringer off."

I usher him in, praying to God that kristen has already gone back to my room to hide herself, and that Tommy didn't see her as she did that.

We say our goodbyes and tubbos mom goes back to her own house.

I don't see kristen anywhere, thank God.

"Are you okay? Are you sick? Whyd you throw up toms?"

Whenever Tommy first got here, he'd throw up when he overthought stuff, eventually he learned to control it though.

"felt sick. I'm fine now though."

He sounded so dull.

"Are you sure tommy-"

"Yes i- I'm fine, phil."

He goes up to his room

Before I talk to him I go to my room and help kristen get out quickly, as she's already outside and about to call someone to pick her up, techno and Wilbur pull in.

"Damn it."

"Who's that kid with techno? Ohhh is that the Wilbur kid you're fostering? I don't remember much you said about him to be fair."

"Yup. He's mute, but he hasn't been bringing his notebook places recently, so if he doesn't talk to you don't be offended."

"Ay ay captain." She smiles back at me.

Techno and wil both get out of the car and techno walks up to us, but Wilbur just bursts right into his room.

"What's with him?" I ask

"I don't know, he doesn't seem upset, just, like he's missing something..? Or late for something, you know? He's being fucking weird that's for sure. He only got like that halfway through the car ride."

Before I can respond he looks at kristen

"Do you need a ride home?"

She just nods

Techno throws the keys at me and walks inside without a word

Wilbur POV:

I go directly into the house, I'll ask about that woman outside later.

I grab my phone and put it in my bag, then quickly write a note asking if I can go to the park for an hour or two

I then rush back downstairs to find Phil, instead I see techno.

I mouth 'where's phil'

"He went to take kristen home."

I nod, I'll leave the kristen questions for later.

I show techno the note and mouth 'will he let me go?'

"I'm sure it's fine. Honestly if I were you I'd head out now, ill tell him you went to the park. Have your phone volume up though."

I nod, and head out the door.

I go as fast as I can to schlatts house, I haven't been there lately cus of all the shit that happened every night I wanted to sneak out, he started getting pretty upset after the second time and told me it's just an excuse because i hate him, I don't though.

I hate to admit it but I've grown pretty close to schlatt, I don't think I'd vent to him or anything, but he's fun to be around.

The only reason I'm going miday though is because he told me if I didn't show up he'd tell Ranboo to tell Tommy we hang out, and that can't happen.

He told me to just come through the front door, not even knock.

So that's what I do.

As I open the door the first thing I see is someone sitting on the floor with a headset plugged into their phone playing minecraft on their Xbox.


I look at the screen, he's playing with Tommy.



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