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TW: implied drinking and smoking (weed), use of f slur, mention of a panic attack, mention of voices,(idk if that's all tell me if there's more please!!)

Phil POV:

"I love you, goodnight Phil." Tommy says as he shuts the door behind him.

I immediately realize that technos downstairs by himself with his pills and they don't work immediately, so he's still out of it even if he took what he was supposed to.

I walk quickly down the stairs and I see him sitting on the couch, looking at nothing in particular, the pills on the counter.


"Yeah dad?" He turns his head to me

"Did you take your pills?"


I grab the pills and put them in our medicine cabinet in the kitchen.

I walk back into the living room and im about to tell him to tell me when they start working, but he cuts me off.

"Is tommy okay?"

"Oh-um yeah he just had another panic attack."

"How long has it been since he's had one?"

"A few months I guess? A lot better from when it was every other day... Feel bad for tubbo though, had to wait for us to come home and didn't know what to do."

"Was it just he got stressed out or did he think about something in particular too much?"

I run my hand through my hair and sigh, "he thought too much about the memory of his dad passing"


"Yeah. He's okay though, let's just go to sleep, wake me up if something happens with your voices and make sure to tell me if they're working or not whenever you notice changes."

"Will do. Night dad"

"Night techno." I pull down the string connected to the fan to turn off the light and keep the fan on before I lay down on the pallet on the floor and try to sleep. Taking note of the fact I hear techno do the same from the couch.

Tommy POV:

I close my door behind me and see tubbo sitting on his phone on my bed, ranboo on his air mattress on the floor, sleeping. Talking to himself occasionally, I'm not close enough to know but their probably just saying nonsense with curse words in-between, that's what he does in their sleep.

Tubbo immediately notices me when I walk in.

"Are you okay??? Earlier you... You know- and then you had a panic attack, whats going on tommy?"

"I dunno. I'm js stressed right now."

"Why? Is it Wilbur? Is having someone new stressing you out??"

"No no- I love Wilbur- I think we would get along even better if he talked but he's really nice and honestly seems really cool if he would open up more."

"So why are you stressed then?"

"I've just been thinking about old things a lot more I guess. Like I think Wilbur has an eating disorder so I keep thinking about the techno thing... And I got asked if I was okay earlier out of no where so I started thinking 'why am I not okay?', and thought about my dad."

"Oh. Well. Let's get some sleep, it's already really late..."


Wilbur POV:

I wake up in a cold sweat, look over and the clock says 5 am... I shouldn't be up this early I fell asleep at like 2 I should sleep more... But I'm not tired. I know I had a nightmare I just can't remember it at all.

I reach for my water I got last night and figure out very quickly it's empty. I sit thinking if I should go downstairs, maybe resulting in waking people up. So I just stay where I am.

I grab my phone from it's charger and see charlie just messaged me. How does he always do that the second I get up?

Hey Wilbur! How's it been? I'll be in the town your in soon so I'd like to meet your current family, make sure they're good. I want to know your opinion on them first before I text them though.
Sent 4:47 am

Theyre really nice, just text them. See you soon I guess. :)
Sent just now

Okay Wilbur, I'll text your guardian now. Bye!!
Sent just now

Sent just now

(A/n wilburs so dry LMAO)

I lie back down thinking about nothing In particular before falling back asleep eventually.

(Time skip when he wakes up I'm lazy)

I wake up to the doorbell and decide to get get up and finally refill my water.

As I'm walking down I get a glance of who's at the door with ranboo behind Phil and Phil talking to who's at the door

"Just let me bring the faggot home- he's my brother!"

The man has dark brown hair and facial hair on both sides of his face, none in the middle, his eyes are bloodshot and his words are slurred

"Do not call him things like that, go home  schlatt, I'll bring him home, your in no state to drive him."

"Then I'm in no state to drive myself arnt I? Let me in Phil- wait? Did you adopt another fucking kid? Hey pretty boy! come over-"

"Do not call any of my children your fucking pet names schlatt get away from my house!"

His children? I'm not considered his kid yet. He just said that in the moment.

"Cmon Phil- I called techno those names once just-"

"Fuck off!" He slams the door, pushing back this 'schlatt' guy. He locks the door and sighs before looking down at ranboo and apologizing and asking if he's okay and saying he'll bring him home in about an hour, giving schlatt time to leave because he's pretty impatient.

He turns to me "I'm so sorry you had to see that Wilbur, are you okay? Don't worry about schlatt. He's... Not a friend to our family is the best way to put it I guess."

I nod, not having my notepad

"He's less than fucking not a friend" a monotone voice speaks up

"Oh my gods techno you scared me-Are you okay? Did you hear that 'fight' me and schlatt had? I'm sorry."

"It's fine. He needs to be put in his fucking place."

Phil nods.

"Wilbur he's gonna try to talk to you at school. Give him zero peace of mind. Never be nice to him, ignore him mainly."

I nod.

"Speaking of, if he ever does fuck with you, I'll tell you my locker number when we get our schedules on the first day so you can come and tell me, I'm only a grade above you"

"Techno. Wilbur don't do that. Techno and schlatt don't mix well. Especially not when they're both angry."

I nod before heading back up to my room.

A/N: this was mainly filler. Nothing really happens the week leading up to school so I'm going to do a time skip to the first day of school next chapter, hope that's okay. If it's not... Well idc by the time your reading this even if the next chapters not out it'll already be written and I'm not gonna rewrite 1000 words because it's a fanfic bro- not that deep fr/j (also I have no idea what would happen before school starts so I'm js gonna skip to it)


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