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Wilburs POV:

I wake up groggily, slowly remembering last night's events.

I promised myself I would never get into that shit, and i actually had fun?

I genuinely felt carefree and not as anxious for once.

It was nice.

But it was also schlatt. Techno hates him, Phil hates him, shit I think even tommy hates him.

All the school hates him, I mean I get why, he's transphobic, a bully, he drinks and smokes and makes it seem fun and okay, I mean it is fun... Just not okay...?

And honestly, he's a dick.

But last night it seemed different, he was still a dick, but in a joking friend way? I don't know.

Schlatt can't be my friend though, I won't let him. I'll be friendly to him so I don't get beat up, but I'll never consider him my friend, I can't.

My friends are Fundy and Niki, sure I know their friends but I'm only actually close with them.

I just simply won't get close to schlatt, maybe I'll go do shit with him so I don't get my ass beat, but I won't get close with him.

Suddenly my door slowly creeps open and I see Phil peeking through

He opens it once he sees I'm up

"Sorry I didn't knock, I thought you were asleep. There's breakfast downstairs if you want some!" He says smiling, "also I decided you guys shouldn't go to school today since you were all late already and techno just has ISS anyways."

I nod.

"So will you come down for breakfast?" He has on a hopeful smile, yet I still shake my head.

"Just a little bit?"

I finally just nod to get him to go away

"Yay, okay come down when you're ready!"

He walks away, closing my door.

I get up and put on a sweater and jeans because at this point that's all I wear and own.

I feel my cuts go against the sweater and it hurts like a bitch, but its fine as long as no one sees it.

I grab my notebook and head downstairs

There's small conversation between Tommy and Phil and I hear techno coming Downstairs, Phil tells me to go In the kitchen and I can make my waffles however I like them.

I go in the kitchen and there's butter, syrup, and eggos on the counter.

I won't put anything on them and I'll just eat one waffle, Ill just throw it up anyways.

I put my one waffle in the toaster and turn it on and as soon as I do that techno comes in.

"Morning." He's obviously still tired

I nod back as to say 'good morning'

We silently both put our waffles together, and I excuse myself upstairs as he sits down

"Wait Wilbur-" Tommy starts

I turn around

"This morning I noticed your toothbrush and toothpaste had been taken out in what looked like a hurry, what happened?"

Shit, did I not put away my toothbrush after getting the weed smell out of my mouth?

I woke up in the middle of last night and remembered I hadn't brushed my teeth, must have left it out sorry.

I quickly lie obviously.

"Oh okay!"

I nod and go upstairs to at least attempt to eat my food.

Every bite feels like another level of hell so I just give up and go to the bathroom.

I put the remaining waffle down the toilet before making myself puke up whatever I did eat, I notice streaks of blood in the puke but I don't even care, its probably not even blood.

I wipe my mouth and flush the toilet, I wash my hands and take the plate downstairs.

As I walk downstairs I notice that Phil and techno are still eating, it's not normal for me to quote on quote 'finish' before them.

I put my plate in the sink and as I'm about to walk upstairs I hear techno

"You finished fast didn't you?"

"Techno-!"Phil slightly kicks him under the table, thinking I can't see.

"Why aren't you treating this urgently dad?"

"Techno we'll talk later."

Techno huffed and bursted upstairs.

Phil sighs,"I'll go after him. Be right back."

Techno POV:

I burst upstairs, why the fuck does he treat Wilbur like nothing's wrong? He swears he doesn't want a repeat but I swear Tommy's gonna see that same fucking scene again this time it'll just be Wilbur. And it's terrifying.

I shut my door behind me and grab my vape from my closet

I take a hit -

Shit my doors opening-

I shove the vape in my pocket and get rid of most of the smoke.

I hear my door close, Phil's in here now.


"What was that for? And why does it smell- like- I don't know- sweet?"

"I don't know what your talking about. Also I got fucking upset because you swear on your fucking life you don't want a repeat of last year but I know soon enough Tommy's gonna walk in that same bathroom to that same scene just Wilbur instead of me."

"That is not true-"

"Yes it is! I know you can't see it but hes acting just like how I did when I was fucking doing that shit with schlatt, cutting myself and throwing up every meal and as I spiralled no one even noticed but Jesus Christ it's so easy to notice why don't you notice!?"

"I do notice!"

"Then why don't you do shit! Take him to the doctor and get him diagnosed with anorexia, get him a therapist, get him fucking anything! I get he doesn't want help but If you don't give it to him he'll be puking up blood any minute now so just do something! Anything Phil, anything!"I push past him and go downstairs, I open the door, "I'm going for a walk"

"Techno-" I shut the door

A/N: I have fallen so deep back into my annual Hamilton phase and I just need to mention, WHY DOES NO ONE TALK ABT HOW GOOD OF A SONG "what did I miss?" IS LIKE OMG I LOVE ITSTTFTSTT


A/n #2: I already have up to chapter 42 written, and I'm not changing it, so if dream is in those chapters I apologize. But I will be cutting dream from this story, I know he's the dealer or whatever but I'll just replace him with something. I cannot excuse pedophilia and never will, if you still support dream please dni. And don't start any arguments Abt him being 'not guilty' in my comments. I know that the whole dream situation has probably been hard on people, but I won't pretend that it didn't happen.

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