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Tommy POV:

As I sit there, with techno, hugging him as he cries into my arms I text dad

'I'm gonna stay here with techno for awhile'

I put down my phone and just stay with him. Around 10 minutes into this, he let's go and looks up at me.

"Fuck-" he sniffles "you probably should head to tubbos now"

"I'm not leaving you"

"I won't do anything I promise"

"I know, but I just wanna stay with you. I like being like this. We aren't yelling for once, I'm not throwing any vapes at any doors, you're not drunk or high, it's not tense, it feels like how it felt before I found you in the bathroom, nothing really was the same after that, was it?"

"I guess not. I missed this too. Id say we should go to the park or something but then we'd leave a high ass, crying Wilbur alone."

"Ugh, party pooper." I say sarcastically

"Tell me about it."

We sit in comfortable silence before theres a loud thump from wilburs room.

"Talking about said party pooper, let's go check on him."

We both stand up, and head to wilburs room.

We open the door to see Wilbur on the floor, which explains the thump. He's staring at the ceiling and his cheeks are tear stained, I assume he's not as high as he was earlier, it's been like an hour, but still.

"How ya' doing bud?" Techno says in a kinda condescending tone

Wilbur simply groans in response, at least it's a noise.

"Welp, Phil's not here and I can't get in the medicine cabinet, if it isn't the consequences of your actions, dumbass."

Wilbur simply responds to him with the middle finger.

"Ill go get you some water, be right back."

Techno goes downstairs

"How longs this been going on then Wilbur, you seeing schlatt?" I speak up, I sound more pissed then I meant to.

He glares at me and then looks back to the ceiling

"C'mon, just put up a few fingers to show me how long."

He puts up 2 fingers, less than I thought.

"2 weeks? That's less than i-" he shakes his head, fuck. "TWO MONTHS?" He groans at the loud noise then rolls over, shoving his face in the carpet. Again, at least its a noise, but he looks like a 26 year old working an office 9-5 job. (Please get the reference)

"Wilbur. Dude. Now you just look pathetic."

Techno comes back, now with water, and he puts it next to Wilbur.

"Knock that on the carpet and you're the one picking it up." He adds as he puts it down.

Wilbur gives him the finger again

"So, how long have you been around schlatt despite literally EVERYONES warnings?" Techno asks

"I already asked. 2 months."

"Oh, that's not as bad as I thought."

"He's only been here 2 and a half months-how is that not bad???"

"Meh" He shrugs

Phil POV:

I decided I should give the boys time, so I did something I've been meaning to do for awhile.

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