hiatus.(I'm sorry :<)

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Sooooo the title is hiatus. Aka, I'm taking a hiatus. Which means a break. I have been kinda unwell recently (mentally and physically cus I've gotten sick like on and off ALOT recently which is kinda weird cus I usually am only sick like once a year 💀) and I just need time to

1. Work on myself
2.work on chapters
3.work on school

Blah blah blah yk all that

Thank you so fucking much for all the support on this book. I know it's not put together super well and there's a lot of plot holes and shit but every time I get a "YAY NEW UPDATE" or a "I love this story sm" comment it makes me so fucking happy :)

my break shouldn't be more than a month, most likely not even that. I'll miss you guys and this story but I WILL RETURNNN!!!

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